226 Feb 2, 2013 10:21 am
Re: My Crazy Ambitious DMG-01 Build (126 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
awesome. i always had a similar idea. but with an arduinoboy and the gameboy guts inside an old midi keyboard. I had dreams of making it in a ms-20 style case, the screen and the buttons on the top half for using MBG. but nowadays i doubt i'll ever find time.
227 Feb 2, 2013 3:51 am
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this thread feels like 8bc : P
228 Feb 1, 2013 5:34 pm
Re: Is it possible to replicate the DMG-01 sound through a computer? (12 replies, posted in Audio Production)
i wouldnt play music through a dmg speaker....... i did that and trust me - it will upset your neigh-bours with all the bass.
229 Feb 1, 2013 4:33 pm
Re: Dark Pixels seeks chiptune musicians! (17 replies, posted in Collaborations)
looks really nice. i will send you some chimey clicky ambient music
230 Feb 1, 2013 8:20 am
Re: Slight MIDI sync delay with ArduinoBoy / LSDJ? (7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Slightly un-related, but one thing i noticed once when doing my midi-syncing was the midi cable.
Until i went to pick up a new midi cable and i noticed they had some Roland leads specifically for midi sync. Well thats what it says on the pack anyhow.
So turns out the default 5 quid midi lead i had was just poo-ey. I didnt know that before, so it might help some people.
Also - I have a slight off with my lsdj sync too on ableton. I always ran in slave mode syncing ableton and lsdj. I'll go home an try it on midi.
231 Feb 1, 2013 7:56 am
Re: Dark Pixels seeks chiptune musicians! (17 replies, posted in Collaborations)
you dont have to be a bigshot to make a song for me.. if it fits I'll use it
Many of the 'bigshot' beans here do this work for a living, so its unlikely they're gonna do anything on the promise of 'i'll pay you if i make enough'.
But on the plus side there are plenty of people that are happy to do something to get their music out there, regardless of the money. (myself included)
232 Feb 1, 2013 5:20 am
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
you make good points. i make stoned points that i probably contradict an hour later. i will leave my final say as my first. For what it is the song aint terrible. im sorry for my rant. i am old now. and i sold out to making hipster music thesedays anyway so i should really shut the fuck up before i get called out on that.
233 Feb 1, 2013 1:10 am
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Downstate wrote:...but its annoyingly popular now...
I just find this kind of statement incredibly disingenuous. Here's the thing -- no one is a better or worse person for liking or disliking the things they like, and it really seems like you're getting to the point of not hating dubstep, but rather hating people who like dubstep (or brostep or corestep or metalrhythmcorebrostepbrostep).
Hmmm, well what i mean is - the more a wider audience lap up the shitty brostep, (i mean an audience not so much into underground music or the culture that goes with it / but more an audience into dance remixes of pop songs) - then the more the scene dies.
Because people that used to make good stuff and not care about the FAME, compromise their shit and before you know it the artists that used to be innovative are just hashing out shit that is boring, predictable and 'safe' i guess i'd say. Not that you can blame them, they're probably thinking - "hang on, we've been doing this for years we should be getting the money too". I dont hate people for liking brostep, but like Decktonic says - it's damn annoying that the people into 'dubstep' nowadays are the kind of fuckers that dont know the difference between any types of dance music, the same people that ask for 'hip hop' when you're playing PUTS or even Wu-tang instead of Rick Ross. (yes - someone has asked me for hip hop as i played wu-tang. when i kind of looked at them in shock until the walked off, they waited two mins then sent the boyfriend to request 'rap' instead. I know it sounds snobby but i feel im well within my rights to laugh and want to murder these morons haha
234 Jan 31, 2013 11:57 am
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Downstate wrote:the complete opposite of what dubstep was intended to be
"...the complete opposite of what dubstep was intended to be", Downstate types from his computer, the complete opposite of what the Turing machine was intended to be, while he sees some people passing by his window, the complete opposite of what homo erectus was meant to be.
Dude, things evolve. Things change. Get with the times, fuck.
Downstate wrote:Where's the space ? The cavernous sub ? Its all waaa waaa duck rape - ugh
Some people like it, obviously. I personally love most "brostep" music (whatever that means (i know what it means, i just like to deny that it exists)). Some of the things these guys are doing with synthesisers is pretty killer. Have you really ever sat down and tried to hear what Skrilex does with those two-beat tearouts at the start of Scary Monsters? That's some insanely crazy FM synthesis shit going on right there.
Music evolves all the time. We went from complex over-embellished baroque-era compositions, to classical-era music, and further on a few centuries later to vinyl- and casette-era pop music. Then the radio age hit. Then came the internet and the dubstep wave. Trap music is just over a year old now.
Music has gone from acoustic orchestral arrangements to smaller acoustic bands (maybe with an electric instrument or two if the band had the money), to the electronic music age. Now we're getting tired of composing melodies and vocal lines and instead work on the synth sounds in themselves. We're always looking to do crazy new shit with music, and dubstep is the latest experiment (which seems to have gone awfully well).But we're all gonna be grumpy old men and women when it comes to our old old ages and our kids listen to something we barely understand.
i am all for things evolving sure. just sick of playing an ital tek record or phaelah and having a drunk dickhead asking me to play dubstep.
I dont mind there being a type of dubstep like this waaah waaah stuff, but its annoyingly popular now, not in the sense that 'im too cool to like mainstream dance music', in the sense that its just bandwagon shit now. Fucking the doors and skrillex - fuck off. Everyone popstars making a record with 'dubstep influences' (cringe) thesedays. Anyway there is no settlement to the arguement because i can not hear this music as anything else than over compressed modern dance music shit with no rawness(in the good sense) or nice bass.
i did youtube scary monsters but im afraid i hear nothing groundbreaking about that synthesis what so ever. just horrible synth leads put through a skream filter on reason...... it sounds like garbage to me. Its all SO over compressed and boring. Not suprising by the 87676 videos on youtube showing 'how to make dubstep bass that sounds EXACTLY like so and so's bass sound', and everyone using the same kick snare as deadmaus.
So i do get narky about it sometimes, who wouldnt. years ago im playing people dubstep by loefah thats raw and deep like old jungle was and people are like its fucking shit that dubstep stuff......fast forward a few years and there all like 'yeah im into dubstep'. and they are. because sadly thats what is perceived as dubstep thesedays. tell someone you like dubstep and they mke all these odd waaah wer wub wub weeeerp noise with their mouth at you lol. But of course there is still dope shit about. Pinch never let the side down, always pushing forward rather than making remixes of pop records liek the other sell outs. nothing wrong with selling out. theyre entitled to make whatever they want. as you are entitled to enjoy it. as i am entitled to despair with it haha
But dude seriously -trap music has been about LOOOONG before 2012. i know skrillex has done a tune with ASAP now but that shit is not legit AT ALL. This is why i rant. because trap is already dead for the most part. the 'EDM' people have got their mitts on it and turned it into waaah wweeeer disgusting shit like how dubstep died. That skrillex and asap tune is just beyond awful, total bandwagon shit. the origin of trap is similar in a way to dubstep really. Its dark, brooding, low-fi in many ways in its rawness. Not hectic shit with synths that sound horrible fighting for space with an MC....... The old dirty south / crunk beats have been knocking out for years, hence the old TI record called 'trap music volume one' from years ago...... its bong smoking hustler music out of atlanta. But now its turned into 'dance music' as opposed to a hip hop beat someone would mc over. I dont mind that. I dj it. Well the 5% of it that isnt utter shit....... it has of course evolved as you said things do. unfortunately evolved into predictable territory where bro step is basically now slapping an 808 trap beat under its waaaaah and killing 'trap' music of any opportunity to become more thoughtful and interesting ala evian christ. Now its all trap mixes of old trance songs from the 90's, all with the same fucking bleeps and whirrrrres.
if you read all this - sorry you wasted your time on my stoned rants again haha
235 Jan 31, 2013 4:08 am
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
decktonic - you make a good point i guess. but alot of the old school cats sold out like hell. Magnetic man anyone ..........
236 Jan 31, 2013 1:55 am
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Xilent is certainly within the realm of sell-out dubstep artists
oh god yeah. he started of trying to rip off Spor sounds in drum n bass in the first place lol. Then Spor made some of this horrible 'dubstep' as people call it and Xilent did too. I mean this is straight Radio 1 lunchtime shit in the UK. If someone dropped this at a proper bass music night in London (or even shanghai for that matter) where the attendees where over the age of 14 people would heckle. I really really really dont get it at all what people see in this music. Its just so stupid and the complete opposite of what dubstep was intended to be, which is just funny and ironic when you think about it. Where's the space ? The cavernous sub ? Its all waaa waaa duck rape - ugh
for what it is (brostep), ive heard MUCH worse
237 Jan 30, 2013 3:34 pm
Re: Xilent - Big Dubstep producer releases 8bit song (78 replies, posted in General Discussion)
thats not bad, not so keen on the same ole same ole sick dropz, but for the most part that was fucking fun...... 1up by Spor is a good one - less so chipmusicyreally. but it was a gimmick tune i still always played because its savage
238 Jan 30, 2013 7:22 am
Re: 8BP126 Poke-1,170 - Virtigo (60 replies, posted in Releases)
stinks of amber/incunabula ! this is a good thing. Very very nice werck sir
239 Jan 30, 2013 3:56 am
Re: 8BP126 Poke-1,170 - Virtigo (60 replies, posted in Releases)
Saskrotch wrote:reminds me of early autechre
the first trackname secretly hinted at that
someone say Ae ? ? ? downloading.............
240 Jan 30, 2013 1:55 am
Re: favourite five metal bands (123 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Metal licker - the worlds most over-rated 'metal' band ever
I'd even say LP first album is way better than any metal licker poo-ey rock - my dad listens to heavier shit than those old guys
everyones like but they're 'classic'. hmmm 'classic' is the polite phrase for 'been going forever but have always been shite'
now Slayer - thats classique