(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)









(12 replies, posted in Releases)

paid bitch


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wats a paragraph. is it like a parachite for words. to stop them falling.sorry.my punctuation is very bad,infact my grammar and english language skills in general are bad.its why i only teach 4 yr old chinese kids, cos i'll get caught out by any kid in high scholl.serious.anyway see my bad worting in one blob as a sfegaurd to save you reading til the end.
thinking - where's he goin' with this ? what his point ?
i normally dont make a point
just babble
so it wiuld save you that minute of your life reading my stoned brain in text form. you'll never get tthose sixty seconds back once they're gone.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii do want sir ! how much inc postage to merry ole england dude? safe as fuck.


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

intersting to read 4mats views on how chipmusic is portrayed as not serious music etc. i agree. also if you google chiptune, you are confronted with lots of gay gameboy fan art and 'i love my dmg' t-shirts or something. Which does kinda make the scene look a bit lame.  I often tell my music friends, people i play with what i use and stuff. Usually after i play, i guess people have noticed those standout arps and blips and stuff and always ask me 'whoa ive never heard anything with like these computer games sounds and pianos with proper electronica beat'. People normally think it dope that i use trackers, gameboys and old casio's etc alongside reaktor 5 and max/msp. I guess though i would never describe myself as a chipmusician or chiptuner. i always go with what decktonic was pointing out, i just say "er i make kinda humble electronica/glitchy/breaky/8 bit stuff"....i think its always gonna be different if your a straight up chip hardware kinda dude. its a proper niche community i guess, most just dont get it, or just dont like it. i love game music and the influences it gives me but im never really into much raw lsdj stuff. The sound just doesnt float my boat, sure there are some 'Peer, Mobb beep, Deer' and a few others but on the whole i dont really want to sit and listen to VGM. The main thing that got me into 8 bit stuff, or mainly just trackers, was learning that alot of them beans on M3rck records were using trackers. People like Ilkae,Proswell, etc etc. Now that was taken seriously, and it is chipmusic in a sense, all the old tracker effects are what makes it so dope. It just was never promoted as computer game influenced music, it was just trip hop, electronica. Hell some of them i got 10 years ago wouldnt have known what a tracker was until about 2005. But even if it had an atari st on the front cover, it wouldnt have made me taake it any less seriously. i dont know what the point im trying to make is, mostly like i said to a guy the other day. 'ah i love 8 bit sounds and using old trackers,gameboys' his response was 'uh yeah, to be honest im not really into all that cheesey gameboy techno shit, its a bit gay isnt it? ' . His words, not mine. I guess his impression is formed by the chinese chip artists, Sulumi, Amu etc.... I think the biggest problem with the chipmusic scene being dismissed is that most people just think chipmusic is euro trance cak made on a painted gameboy by a kid in multi coloured trainers...... which obviously it isnt. im gonna stop now and make some proper real 8 bitmusic, peace out. Bidding for this new track im working on starts at 100 GBP okay ?


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i put my shit up for free on bandcamp pretty much exactly 1 yr ago. there have been 672 downloads. i dont know what that figure would be if id sold them. but i guess about 50 haha. the release i had out on physical on awkward silence hasnt sold out yet. its been 2 years, last i heard there were 50 ish left out of 300. thats taking into account however, most peops probably checked it out cos it was a split with porn sword tobacco, who is pretty established and has many releases out in the past. for me now i just offer it for 0p if you want, or pay what you like. i did this 1 month ago.........50 people have dl'ed for free since that but 3 have paid between 5 and 10 quid for one album cos they nabbed all 3 for free and felt bad.  i dont know where i stand on music should be free thing. i disagree i guess. but i have a job that keeps my food on the table and my mental normality so music making is just for personnel enjoyment, playing gigs and if people want to download and listen in their home, their car when they're on the train then thats just wicked. the money i dont give a shit about, the money to my paypal went straight back out to beatport for some nice new squelchy drum n bass. That was nice, to me these were essentially free tunes anyway cos i bought them all with someone elses money !


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

a few days with no 8bc drama, i didnt have to look very far to see where it had gone haha, i like this one better because the black backround helps me to relax, but on 8bc there is lots of good dubsteps man, on here though there is messaging which is pretty neat, but on 8bc i can see all the music on the homepage, chipmusic might try to hide my submission just a little, but the factor beyond all factors - 8bc is bringing the trolls, chipmusic is bringing the snobs lets face it, me im a gipsy, i roam between the two and never call one place home. yeah.this comment really belongs on an 8bc forum.

driving me fucking nuts. ive double checked everything, triple in fact.
no luck.
tried to see if it worked to sync with midi anyway but of course it didnt.
nothing at all.
when i turn on the gb the status light blinks, the led's flash in sequence but then just flick through from 2-6 over and over.

now i was told on my switch that has 4 pins ot solder to two pins on the same side.
i did that of course but when i plugged in the arduino, no power,nothing...... until i pressed/held the switch down. ....

does this mean the switch is wrong i guess ?

so i tried wiring it the opposite way, no it turns on without me pressing the switch but just does the continually flashing thing.

any help would be greatly appreciated. thing is making me pull my hair out !!!!


(56 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

is 8bc still down ? cos this should really be there not here. the fun part of making tunes is there are so many ways you can go about it, that you never really stop searching and tinkering on new programs to get new sounds. if you use a DAW, but want a tracker interface, get renoise. simples , oh before i forget does any one know what program i should use to make the type of music i really love ?

ah a minor fuck ups nothing to worry about, i tend to be too stoned and moderately drunk to get it all note perfect, but thats why your playing live right ! haha, when i was 18 i had my first dj gig. it was for the hottest girl in my year, her 18th.......i was djing trance/prog house......the first mix was spot on, really awesome, a good 1 minute beat mix, i was really pumped ,when the crossfder reached its destination of the left channel and the new tune kicked in i got a massive roar, i pumped my fist, shouted at the top of my voise, and then in my ecstacy............yes thats right.....i removed the needle from the wrong deck. the tune cut out, everyone jeered, i felt like i was 1000 degrees hot, dropped the needle down on the vinyl retardedly with my shaky hand, made a horrid sound that hurt everyones ears. alas i kaughed it off, shouted bo selecta ! gimme a rewind ! i meant to do that honest down the mic........put the needle back to the start, got a cheer, albeit it in mockery and we were off again. looking back it was fucking classic ! anyway, i guess on this note i should go prepare for the festival i somehow blagged my way onto the main dance stage for thats next weekend ....fuck, all these stories have made me nervous lol


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

id say definately PeeR - Dances. Pamplemouse, and Iqtu's albums - embarrasing triangle on Pause if so damn good. And get some of the old M3rck records stuff by Ilkae, Proswell, Machinedrum......nice old tracker music. beautiful