You know how the backgrounds/settings in CG movies are getting more and more realistic, but the people still look really cartoony?
Like, Holy crap that water is so well animated and oh wow look at those trees everything looks so real but ohman why do the humans look so goofy!?
What if trees could watch movies?


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The GB Boys don't pitch bend properly, they're a bit faster and out of tune, and from what I understand the wav channel is also a bit weird sometimes.
So no, they aren't really that great for LSDJ.
And you can find an original Gameboy on eBay, craigslist, or a locally owned retro game store for cheaper anyway.


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cooshinator wrote:
Calavera wrote:

I want this on a tshirt or something.

Ask and you shall receive.


(45 replies, posted in Releases)

Used qdme-3z7w, thanks!
I recently got laid off but I'll definitely be donating some money once I find another job.


(184 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:

Does deliberately complicating the presentation of the music just for the sake of having something to do and be able to say "See, I AM performing" really make LSDJ performance more noble than simply pressing Play?

You have to have half of the parts prewritten on 2 DMGs with LSDJ synced together using a cable and a DS with a copy of KORG-M01 playing in sync with those, while you play the other parts by running Muddy GB through an emulator on a Wii and control that with a DDR pad plugged into the Gamecube controller port, AND play either keyboard or Omnichord at the same time, preferably while you have a friend strum out some powerchords using Jam Sessions on another DS lite while you sing through it's headset peripheral. And don't forget to wear a Powerglove so you can control your own visuals through Litewall while playing keyboard.
Play like this, and you're a true chip musician.
Play like this with a Virtual Boy strapped to your face (because screw blindfolds), and you're a god.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


I want to learn how to make chiptunes, but I dont want to spend any money or learn how to use the free programs.

Don't we all?


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

stargazer wrote:

Wait you're not the kid who started the kick starter about making a gameboy with a built in keyboard? If not then my entire image of you is shaken.

I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds awesome and I will totally take credit for it.
Yeah, I'm that guy.


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd actually been reading you name like that up until this post.


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've actually been meaning to change my name for a while now.
I used to go by TheJorsh everywhere (still do in a lot of places), but then it got kinda mixed up when I found out someone already took it on YouTube and a couple other sites, so I came up with the placeholder "PianoGameboy" until I could think of something better.
All these years later I never around to changing it. I quit both music and my modding hobbies altogether for a little while, and just started back up around September or so. A friend suggested Josh-Shmosh, and it stuck, so I've been using that now.
Anyway, who should I talk to about getting my name changed on these boards, if that's possible?

herr_prof wrote:

It should be easy to say in a loud nightclub to an attractive member of your preferred gender.

She thought I said "Piano Gay Boy".


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I guess I should've mentioned, if you get followed by a "TheJorsh" of some sort (currently TheJorshWhoStoleChristmas), that's also me. Josh-Shmosh is my secondary blog, TheJorshWhoStoleChristmas is my original/personal one. It sucks though. Mostly reblogs of anime stuff and Calvin & Hobbes and videogames.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Here's mine.
I post every couple of days about little mods and things I do here and there.

While I do miss the H*R cartoons, I'm quite enjoying what The Brothers Chaps have been doing with The Aquabats! Super Show!.
Thanks to their assistance in writing/directing it's got Homestar-quality humor throughout, and they even stuck Strong Bad in one of the episodes, not-so-cleverly disguised as a magician named Carl.
skip to 3:57.

Don't forget the classic "Mario at a rave".


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yeah, it was a bit of an experiment because I don't usually do things that are this small/detailed before (or stencils at all), but I kinda wanted a bit of a sloppy stencil look anyway for this one. Definitely doing that next time, though

EDIT: actually, what I did the last couple of times I stenciled (not this one though) was cut the pattern directly out of a roll of painter's tape and then used that as the stencil. It worked pretty well.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here's something I've been working on today.