(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

huh, I just assumed this was a hilarious send-up of certain aspects of cm.o culture taken to an extreme.

I still think that actually.


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Id rather excerpt social pressure to make people contribute more socially acceptable posts.


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

introducing CM.O ECHO-CHAMBER v1.0!

Only see opinions that you agree with! Never again be confronted by pesky "new ideas"!


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

aww thanks for the love guys smile

in return I'll say something that I have been meaning to say for a while now: this current gen of new chiptune artists (aka you guys in this thread) are fucking amazing. the level of programming and music skill shown by auxcide, frostbyte, Vince, roboctopus, aeros and all you guys is just unreal for your respective ages. sure, it probably has something to do with so many chip resources available now, but still. I would DEFINATELY say that your guys' releases from this year are moving the genre of chiptune forward in a huge way. some of them I would place in, like, top 20 chip release and I'm not even kidding.

So don't mind the elitism, the snobbery, the lack of plays/likes/shows whatever. Y'all are seriously on the right track and with a little effort you guys are going to be doing some big thangs. REAL TALK.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

there was a time... when love ruled chipmusic...

ahh you're right, after re-reading your post it looks like I misunderstood what you meant; you were advocating supporting more interesting discussion here whereas I was interpreting it as "take that elsewhere", my bad.

I still thing we need a chip chat playground though wink

e.s.c. wrote:

sorry james, but we're probably always going to close most troll threads...you may want more posts, but i only want more posts if they offer something of value and troll threads rarely lead to anything besides a bunch of people being all pissed off at their keyboards typing idiocies that i then have to read... i get that you may like watching train wrecks for comedic value, but thats not what the site is for

oh i appreciate a well moderated front page and am not advocating anything different. My point was merely an observation. perhaps there should be an area where things are allowed a bit more leeway; a conversational chip playground of sorts.

minusbaby's post seems to suggest that there isnt interest in that on the part of the mods and that "there are other places", but unless this is an intentional effort to fragment the scene, i think thats exactly the problem right now. CM.o *should* be the go-to spot for chiptune-related discussion, not just an uncluttered front page. the lack of a centralized hub hurts the scene, trolls or not.

best part? my conversation with emily chiptune about gummy vitamins being blasted out to all of the dig subscribers.

hey, at least it wasnt a conversation with @hentaiphd!


http://digboston.com/listen/2012/08/br1 … t-animals/


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

egr wrote:

They have charts!  What are you waiting for!

I think the best part about the 8bc charts were how bloodthirsty people would get in order to be in the top 3. so many people with like 20 proxy accounts "loving" their own tracks or organizing little Facebook campaigns to get all their friends to, running with whatever fad or buzzword was cool that week. and the end result was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING hahaha. I swear people thought that a&r from Sony records hung out on the forums watching the charts.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

godinpants wrote:

I was always a fan of http://8bitcollective.org/ but it's as dead as the site it pretends to be these days.

ahhhhh that guy is hilarious. i loved (love?) when he would come on under an alias and hype his stuff in the third person

an0va wrote:

TCTD is batman

the dork knight rises

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:
TrueChipTillDeath wrote:

Personally I find it quite sad that there are so many threads trying to mislead people that its carrying over to legitimate attempts to grow the community such as the Blip Memorial Compilation.

Blip was great and worth commemorating, but people harassing others attempting to do so is unfair and unwelcoming. It is a poor attitude for this website and a misrepresentation of this scene.

Says fake chip til death.

maybe TCTD isnt just one man... maybe its an idea, and ideas can never die.

those are just the boring ones though

seems like every active thread gets shut down. why are we here again? to fuck around online with chiptune peeps


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Auxcide wrote:

Ugh. Way to shit on everything.
Is there ever going to be a normal shit-free day around here?

lol! you must be new here ;D