(41 replies, posted in Collaborations)

its weird too! i would think that fact that IFD can get fill 1000+ venues would help. I mean, people KINDA know and like the vibe at least.


(41 replies, posted in Collaborations)

it's true. Chicago has been pretty tough. and given the distance, there is no way to justify the expense. sadly too, because venues seem pretty receptive to putting on chip shows.


(41 replies, posted in Collaborations)

for  while there was a pretty decent east coast touring circuit: mtl, rochester, bos, Salem, nyc, brooklyn, phil, baltimore and there was even ATL, Cicago and DC if one was really motivated. but I think things have factionalized a bit since then.

it's also just not very practical from a turnout perspective  to do all the shows in a row. best successes have been to do that kroute over over the course of a month or so, hitting as many "good days" as possible; weekends, etc.


(86 replies, posted in Releases)

either! both! yes!


(86 replies, posted in Releases)

you guys should do black tank tops with that logo. id so buy.



(65 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

i think that you should release your music on some original format of your own devising, that allows only listeners of the purest intentions to witness, via a mechanism that requires them to prove their worthiness by solving a series of progressively more complex riddles based on clues hidden in your previous works and aspects of your astrological chart.

no thats not true at all, i think you should just put it on bandcamp and drop notices here like you usually do. i like your music zan zan hmm

actually... youre right, im sorry for barging in. were kinda used to it. you guys just want to do your own thing and go with it?



chris, ill talk to clubs if you want to organize

we've (boston8bit) been down witht he idea of organizing an RI show for a while now (club hell is interested even), but havent been sure of there was enough interest to justify the efforts. Your thoughts?

i think this is just a classic introverts vs extroverts thread


(86 replies, posted in Releases)



(46 replies, posted in Releases)

this is a really cool distribution method! i love the various bitty UI designs i can click through, and the music of course. ??? has been a long time favorite big_smile


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nitro you tease!

SKGB wrote:
L-tron wrote:

alchoholic liquid gummi bears!

that is EXACTLY what i was tasting all night. 1$ Vodka gummi bears FTW

me and Jerome drank 12 of those fuckers. NO REGRETS SAME PRICE AS ONE BEER AT GRAMMERCY