(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

gameboy n00dz or gtfo


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

uki toki and gnarsauce



(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

HEY anybody got any sweet high rez DMG glamour shots? preferably on some sort of neutral background or something. i have an artist friend that is looking

well you can't spent ALL your time in Burger King


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think that if i was completely oblivious to this scene and like, animal style and batsly adams ACTUALLY releasing NES cartridge albums, i might think this was clever. i mean, my initial thought was WHAT A DOUCHE, but dude can't know everything, so whatever. its not like there isnt enough carts to go around.


this is going to rule. eindbaas crew knows how to party.


(430 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Boston has been pretty amazing, but so many people come here just for college so it's hard to maintain any stable "scene" with people just coming and going. I would say the we only really have 5 or 6 real "Boston area" artists at any given point, so we import!

that said, the boston8bit shows are always well attended and the bookers love us, we have 4 awesome chip radio shows, a great relationship with the media/press and are we are generally pretty well known around town. local club djs will spin chip tracks in normal dance sets randomly etc. cool vibe, I love Boston.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

blue leader checking in


(35 replies, posted in Trading Post)

you are definitely right.


(35 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm looking for hats and hoodies, personally.

pitchfork is terrible

i am pretty okay with that

Je Mappelle wrote:

i think it's cool

youre just hypnotized by his silky velvet flow

fortunately for all of us... its terrible

http://www.themusicninja.com/snoop-dogg … freestyle/