oh god not this again
737 Mar 8, 2012 8:48 am
Re: Blip 2012 Wishlist: THE FANFICTION TO END ALL FANFICTIONS (195 replies, posted in General Discussion)
738 Mar 8, 2012 12:31 am
Re: Chip on the radio - WMFO (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
omg! Bootlegs on the radio, hahaha. U rule sam ;]
739 Mar 7, 2012 8:19 am
Re: Blip Australia feature segment on ABC TV's GoodGame (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i just got a chance to watch the clip, and wanted to say fantastic job guys! the interviews were intelligent, lucid and completely avoided that whole "sweaty nerd dance music" thing which seems to plague american chiptune info-tainment. focus on the visual aspects was a really nice touch too!
also, this isnt a dig, but i was really expecting more drunken hooligan-ness
740 Mar 7, 2012 1:58 am
Re: Music writer's societies and guilds (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
for what it's worth, I'll tell you my experience with ASCAP:
once I was in an indie rock band. we cut a record with a legit producer and were well-funded. so, we hired a huge promotions company (the ones the yeah yeah yeahs and white stripes used at the time) to do our college radio campaign. it was very successful, we were in heavy rotation for weeks on over 100 stations and were #1 on 28 stations. This isn't *huuuuge* success, but we were beating a number of new major-label releases in the same markets. feelsgoodman.
total radio play (mechanical) royalties for 38 weeks of solid airplay on hundreds of stations? $57
the reason is that most stations pay blanket royalties to ASCAP/ BMI / SESAC, which the individual rights organizations then dole out based of percentage of the market. so even if you are doing great in small markets (college radio chiptuene shows), you area still competing (withn the right organization) for the money that station is paying with lady gaga and biebs, regardless of whether or not they are actually played on that station. basically, if you have a major label team of lawyers behind you, you are likely taking that money.
all I get from ASCAP is letters on how bad piracy is and how I need to write my congressman supporting ACTA or SOPA or PIPA, but I have made CONSIDERABLY more money from piracy than from ASCAP.
/my 2¢
741 Mar 7, 2012 12:37 am
Re: Blip Australia feature segment on ABC TV's GoodGame (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
742 Mar 6, 2012 6:45 am
Re: Digitally Imported (Making profit off of you?) IDK (41 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I honestly... just don't want someone profiting on something I put out there specifically for free. Doesn't seem right at all. God damn internet.
I think this is the key point: they are making a profit off of stuff *intended to be free*. that's against the Internet code.
743 Mar 5, 2012 9:22 pm
Re: 8BP124 exileFaker - Ockham's Chainsaw (33 replies, posted in Releases)
im pumped for this. His set at the last toy company show was amazing
744 Mar 5, 2012 5:02 pm
Re: Your music to the masses? (54 replies, posted in General Discussion)
all about it. indoctrinate the kids to hardcore cool chiptune culture life bro. we all need teh fans
745 Mar 4, 2012 8:11 am
Re: Conversation about the quality assesment of chipmusic (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
these sort of conversations usually wind up pretty semantic/esoteric, but i personally think that "quality" depends on the ability of an artist to achieve his or her musical intentions, which is just another way of saying "technique" or "chops" or whatever. and it's certainly possible to rate a tracker musicians level of technique in a general way. whether its "good" or "bad" is completely subjective, but the level of technique isnt, and thats what i think "quality" connotates.
tl;dr: "good or bad" is subjective; skill less so
746 Mar 3, 2012 8:36 pm
Re: [US, NY] Bit Shifter | Kris Keyser | Adamgetsawesome | Kid vs Chemical (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
sound like such an awesome lineup bros!! so sad i missed it!!
i hope 2 C some vidz
747 Mar 3, 2012 7:08 pm
Re: Making Chiptune songs (84 replies, posted in General Discussion)
cm.org needs an 8bc fallout shelter
this is a seriously good suggestion
748 Mar 3, 2012 9:42 am
Re: Making Chiptune songs (84 replies, posted in General Discussion)
the noobs are getting feral in here! where are these noob-beasts coming from?
749 Mar 2, 2012 4:12 am
Re: This Kid Doesn't Know Who Anamanaguchi Is! (90 replies, posted in General Discussion)
well said!
close thread
750 Mar 2, 2012 3:59 am
Re: This Kid Doesn't Know Who Anamanaguchi Is! (90 replies, posted in General Discussion)
mod request: nuke thread from orbit
I need to move on
751 Mar 2, 2012 3:53 am
Re: This Kid Doesn't Know Who Anamanaguchi Is! (90 replies, posted in General Discussion)
>10:30 = BEDTIME
752 Mar 2, 2012 3:35 am
Re: This Kid Doesn't Know Who Anamanaguchi Is! (90 replies, posted in General Discussion)
somebody is gonna get cut in this thread