haha, legit! I'm psyched there is so much chip support in this IFD tour


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

bumping for relevance. SEND MOAR TRACKS!

yeah, i know. whatever

Rock On! and Boston8Bit Present: A Night of 8Bit and VGM Rock

live at the Middle East Upstairs
Monday, November 7th, 2011
$12, 8PM, 18+

I Fight Dragons’ music combines pop/rock songs with original electronic sounds made using Nintendo Game Boys and Nintendo Entertainment Systems. They have toured nationally with Whole Wheat Bread and MC Chris in 2009 and with 3OH!3, Cobra Starship, and Travie McCoy in 2010, and so far have released 2 EPs: 2009’s Cool Is Just a Number and 2010’s Welcome to the Breakdown. A forthcoming full-length album, KABOOM!, has been announced for release in Ocotober 2011. They are currently signed to Photo Finish / Atlantic Records. http://ifightdragons.com/

The Protomen is an American rock band best known for composing original rock operas based on the popular video game series Mega Man. Because of the group’s insistence on wearing costumes and using code-names, even when being interviewed, The Protomen remain a mysterious entity within the video game music scene. Their costumes and general stage presence has been compared to that of Daft Punk. Despite often being classified as a niche, the Protomen have achieved a cult following thanks, in part, to frequent mentions in popular video game web sites as well as a dedicated fan base. http://protomen.com/

Probably the most famous Gameboy & Vocal duo in the world ever, Bright Primate blends rock, dance, art, electro, noise, pop (and whatever else they feel like) to make music that is right at home on your favorite space ship. Their Boston 8-Bit antics have garnered them national media attention and even an unlikely live performance on "the most evil television station of all time": FOX NEWS. Google it yo! http://brightprimate.tk/

With Visuals by VJ Beyonder and live chiptune DJ set by Radio Scotvoid. This will rule.

FB Page here: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=100373400073588


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

5 tracks already!



(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I for one never leave the house without a quill, an ink well, and some high poundage folio manuscript paper


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

the genre is "awesome". DO IT. I'm interested in seeing the possibilities of the app, so the more creative the better wink


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

sylcmyk wrote:

I'd like to submit two songs please, big_smile


this comp is going to rule. oh, I should probably put an Email where people can send tracks to...

[email protected]


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

comp is now called "steve jobs nanoloop posse"


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I'd like files to be wavs so I can put them on band camp. and awesome, most importantly.


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

well if little-scale is in, then it's officially a comp wink

cool let's see if we can make a memorable deadline. ok, how about tracks are due one month from now, 11/5. REMEMBER REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMEBER


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

do it! post em! ill start

http://chipmusic.org/br1ght+pr1mate/mus … alhouse%5D

we'll make a comp and it'll be shweet


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

given how quick it is to write in nanoloop, I'd probably put a month deadline on it once we have some people interesed. there is nothing I hate more than a never ending, never released comp.

doc pop uses iLoop? thats funny, I'd be interested to hear his stuff. I'll bet a lot of people do, but just haven't released anything


(82 replies, posted in Collaborations)

so i was jokingly hassling pixls and sylcmyk about this on twitter, but im kind of serious. who wants to do an iOS nanoloop comp with me? I've looked around on soundcloud and here and can't find much in the way of not-just-fucking-around-with-it App tunes. I'm using it for a game soundtrack and have been really stoked on the sounds ive been able to get out of it, and would really like toi think it would be pretty sweet to hear what other people can come up with.

[for people who haven't used it, and are wondering why I'd care to do a comp about a port of a very well known chip platform: the iOS version its a fairly stripped down nanoloop with a similar sound engine to 2.x + the ability to sample on every channel and some other changes. It has new limitations and new strengths and IMHO is a totally different beast]

EDIT UPDATE: ok, tracks are to be in by Dec 5th. send wavs or links to wavs to [email protected] it's gonna be sweet dudes

EDIT 2: many submissions in! And art by FrostByte which is perfect.

Artists so far:
br1ghtpr1mate (me! hi duh)
dj hollow life
the ghost servant

point taken. I'll now leave you all to your harmless fun and go knock some ice-cream cones out of the hands of happy children.

calmdownkidder wrote:

"This topic" is the "circlejerk" of chipmusic