sorry, the ascii art looks pretty awesome though. but im a geek for such things

egr wrote:
calmdownkidder wrote:


Yes.  Your post is art.

oh god. are we going to have this thread again?


(18 replies, posted in Past Events)

aww thanks for tuning in homie! smile

Esc- i really liked the visuals and it would be awesome to get a copy of our set at least. Ill hit you up on facebook


(18 replies, posted in Past Events)

oh and mad thanks to for tweeting/posting the live stream, that was way cool of yall! smile


(18 replies, posted in Past Events)

that was the best show that nobody saw. Seriously, everybody was spot on their game and we had a damn awesome time. And that bartender was so hot.


(18 replies, posted in Past Events)

hey! Were all in chicago and hanging out its pretty cooooooooooooooooooooooool. Tonights the night lets paaaarty


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i hope so! then with all the gifs and webrings... google+ would be just like... neogeocities or something.



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pixls wrote:
bryface wrote:

of course, by "joining the circle", you just mean _add_ the circle right? that doesn't automatically imply membership in said circle, does it?  #foreveralone

it's not an actual circle, it's an account meant to act as a group or something

Yes and Yes.

given that g+ doesnt have any networking features as of yet, the "chiptune circle" is simply an ad hoc account that exists solely to list the people that it follows. the idea is this:

1) chip people follow "chiptune circle"
2) "chiptune circle" follows back
3) chip people look at the "chiptune circle" follow list to find other chip people / add entire "chiptune circle" follow list

and then

4) google actually adds legit social networking functions ('Sparks?' wtf); "chiptune circle" becomes immediately irrelevant


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

^ yeah thats pretty spammy right there :[


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh yeah, thats what its come to. join the circle so that other chip peeps can find you. if you like that sort of thing:


(18 replies, posted in Past Events)


i do kind of hate the four seasons though ;p

ill do the storm instead; more interesting for me contrapuntally

i enjoy doing these because it offers arrangement challenges and forces me to explore new techniques. in this case i think the necessity of humanizing the phrasing will be really interesting BUT OMG MAYBE CORY DOCTORROW WILL LISTEN TO MY CHIP TUNE


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ok, honest question: why are people flipping out about G+? Is it just zuckerberg hate? (totally understandable if it were) I mean, I've been on it for a bit now and although I see some areas of potential, its still REALLY clunky compared to facebook for actual interaction. It feels *exactly* like a beefed up google buzz, which everybody hated.