(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The official statement just posted:

As of June 4th, 2013, and with the release of our 100th offering, Pause has officially decided to close its doors for good. In 2007, Eirik (Phlogiston) and myself (Disasterpeace) started Pause to create a home for ourselves and some of our favorite musicians to release music to the public. In 6 years, the internet has changed quite drastically, and we can safely say that our mission was a success, and that we're leaving at a time when access to chipmusic, and tools for musicians in general, have never been better. Many of those who were affiliated with Pause in the past have continued to succeed with great projects of their own, including the excellent netlabels Ubiktune (http://ubiktune.org/), Telefuture (http://telefuturenow.com/), and Pterodactyl Squad (http://ptesquad.com/), all of which are worth checking out.

Our collection will remain online for as long as humanly possible, so that those who never had the opportunity to explore our catalogue may do so. Thank you to everyone who joined in our efforts to create a home for our music, and shared in its appreciation. Much love and respect!

- Rich (and Eirik)


(41 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

hah! you guys want MORE of my money i see XD


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i had thought the same thing, but pause also has a sort of subsidiary called pause + which does vgm soundtrack releases. there are 20 of these, so... 100 total.


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

goodnight sweet prince...


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

this is going to sound douchy, but what people are talking about 99.999% of the time when they say "mastering" is... just mixing.

mixing. dont be afraid of the word.

likeluke wrote:

Wow wow wow so apparently our new album is #1 on the billboard heetseekers chart and #2 on the electronic chart JESUS FUCKING CHRIST AHHHHH



no, seriously though, massive congrats. you guys have worked you asses off for years and deserve it all. Get the heck off CM.o and go do famous people things!

chunter wrote:

I'm taking this as a callout of "are you guys in this scene by convenience or what?" or at least that's the impression I'm getting.

yesssssssssssssssssssssssss. not *just* TRUE CHIP MASTER RACE CHECKING IN sort of thing. but considering it took 8 pages to decipher what the hell i was trying to say... i should probably take full responsibility for this thread

gyms wrote:

well, the thread's topic is "post-chiptune artist identity. your thoughts?". i'm not really familiar with 'post-chiptune' as a term, but what i've gathered from context it that it's synonymous with the idea of fakebit.

when i wrote the title, i meant it more as "informed by chiptune, but not chiptune". fakebit would be closer to chiptune.

because it is chiptune.

but thats just what *I* meant by it.

Zef wrote:

Chiptune is a *genre* of *pop music*

Oh, people here are going to love this one.

heh heh, works for meeeee

anyway i *love* these articles (and there have been quite a few!) because for a brief moment in time, people stop the "were so misunderstood and niche bawwww" chatter and realize how cool this all is.

then start back up with it again in a week or so of course XD

Talks about Guch, Henry Homesweet, I Fight Dragons, etc. GJ dudes!

http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/c … ptune.html

agreed! clearly there cant be "a conclusion", but it is interesting (for me at least) to hear people's thoughts on the subject.

we have played a few cons recently, and I've been thinking a lot about the parallels between that "scene", VGM bands etc, and chiptune. both are things that to an uninitiated outsider could seem extremely lame, and both have their fair share of unabashed pandering and terribleness, but also some really incredible artistry that has risen to the surface, found success, and even started to break out into the mainstream.

what both scenes provide is a sort of talent incubator: people that are willing to stand around and listen to artists who are finding themselves (and many who never will) solely for the sake of some vague cultural relation: use of niche old hardware, some sort of aesthetic, video game references, or in some cases just general nerd solidarity. and every artist WANTS that, right? the ability to get feedback from who they perceive to be "their people".

so I completely understand why it IS important to have "an identity" rather than just some hippy dippy notions of "just do your thing bro". in fact I would posit that its almost impossible to gain any traction without one that is fairly broad. but it's not something that can be forced either.

EDIT: whoa lots of posts between replying! this was to be chronologically in response to chunter

oops, I left these here: ""


seriously though, my intent with this wasnt to rag on post-chip (hell, I'm post-chip!), but I think something holding the music back is that so much creative energy focuses on "doing the chipscene" rather than doing your own thing, to the extent that even many people "not making chipmusic"* are still trying hard to "do the chipscene". but as herr_prof mentions, it's not like the world is salivating for the next chip dj. why not just do what you do instead of trying to label yourself something?

in my opinion, the artists that are having the most impact (and success)  are the ones who forage out on their own, rather than fighting for the same old scraps.

I hope this clarifies at least MY intentions some. to be honest, I've really enjoyed reading through the discussions over the last few pages. it's exactly the sort of thing that I was hoping to stir up.

herr_prof wrote:

I don't really want to be part of a community that values process over results

big words form mr. "true chip till death" wink wink wink

O2star wrote:

But something that I've found very interesting is that quite a few who were previously involved with the scene and "proper chiptune"* that have now "quit chiptune" or simply transitioned into other genres (mostly some form or another of EDM) still label themselves as "chiptune", do chip shows, etc.,



just ordered. this looks incredible.