
(29 replies, posted in Releases)

hey, anything to get people naked!


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

Aww thanks dudes heart heart heart !! I've had this EP rattling around the HD for a while, so I'm totally psyched to finally have people listen to it and TOTALLY TOTALLY psyched to have people enjoying it big_smile

xwd wrote:

Seeding like an angiosperm

THANKS!!! even if bandcamp is being iffy, the music must remain free

infradead wrote:

i'm sorry to say that you're a fool

dubious is way more fun to say than thunderstorm

yes on both counts, i hereby stand corrected

bleo wrote:

I liked these guys before they sold out on live TV.

but now were super famous and get to hang out with justin beiber all day, so selling our souls was totally worth it

celsius wrote:

Maybe it's just not for me?

Anywho, people seem to dig it so keep up the good work!

thanks! hey, i understand that our stuff isnt for everybody. we write music totally for ourselves, so i am so psyched if even 1 person gets into it big_smile

arfink wrote:

That reddish star-glow thing looks like it's from Starfox. Is it from starfox?

nope! hand baked in ye olde photoshoppe, but the superFX stylings of fox mccloud will forever inspire me

tacticalbread wrote:

One of my favourite releases of this year.

you are obviously a very intelligent, attractive person and you will go far in life


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

guys, guys... are you serious? An album release like this and you talk about "clipping"? "dubious"? Cmon, lets talk about whats really important here:

a thunderstorm


(29 replies, posted in Releases)


I want to kill my "bandcamp limit" with this release: so far 112 downloads down, only 437 free downloads to go!



(29 replies, posted in Releases)

The newest release from arguably the most famous male-female vocal-and-gameboy duo from the Boston area that we know of EVER...

The first 500 downloads are FREE at: http://brightprimate.bandcamp.com/album/beam-me-up

Torrent hosted by mininova.org for even freer free-ness: http://www.mininova.org/tor/3195468

This album contains:
*4 amazing songs
*dramatic emotional music
*some clipping
*a thunderstorm
*samples of dubious legality

These songs were PROFESSIONALLY recorded in OxygenStar's basement and they are GUARANTEED to occupy your ears from the time you begin listening to them to the time you cease listening to them.

We love you Levar Burton heart


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

awesome sound design and epic development!  im psyched you are finally releasing some new stuff


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i am really glad we got a chance to talk about our feelings like this.

also, when i was researching the next possible stage in evolution (chiptune microdot?), i found this picture, which may be of some interest here:

Nitro2k01 wrote:

so can i close this yet?

[x] yes
[ ] no


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.zazzle.com/got_8_bit_orange_ … 2805835801

sorry, yeah you can close this...


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

...dear god


(5 replies, posted in Releases)


seriously, this album is 10000000% dance fun, and I have been grooving to these tunes in my head for like 6 months now. now i'll have them ON MY IPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)


how long are you in town for?


(23 replies, posted in Releases)

heart heart heart heart



(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

but honestly, if you put on shows in argentina, ill be there in like 5 minutes


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

facundo wrote:

tour ruled. train ride home didn't. might have to start doing this in argentina soon. come visit please!



(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i forget about the rest of the world not being as scam-tastic as the US ;P