Oh shi- awesome! You guys better organize a gig in mid June, I'm going to be in London then!


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

This is just crazy! Also get Sparkyboy to play. Woot?

Edit: Null that, I write exams then. FUUUU


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

When/where was it? (optional)
August 11, 2008 at Klein Libertas, a well-known venue in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

How did it go?
I opened for 3 huge alternative/indie acts in South Africa. The places was PACKED. At least 300 people. I stumbled on the stage trying to set up, with other managers not giving a shit for me. The people streamed into the venue, and I still needed a sound check. Luckily I managed to set up with a hundreds of faces staring at my gear. I played a 25 minute set. I was nervous as shit, but I managed to rock a sick set. Apparently a guy in  a Mario shirt danced on the speakers and got escorted. The general response was positive, really positive. Got offered two more gigs because of it. A chick came to me and said I changed her life.

Here is a vid of Zebrastic:

If you could time-travel and redo the gig, what would you do differently?
I guess I wish was less nervous so I could interact with the crowd better. I suck at crowd/performer relations.

Such a sick line-up! I wish I could be there. sad


(14 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Yo CDK, I'm going to make a new tune. That one you have is stupid. I don't like it.

Amazing design!