oliver wrote:

jonny5 wrote:

Number 1  - when I send it a 16th clock from either my Analog 4 or my modular, nanoloop is stepping once every 3 pulses??

That's the default 24 / MIDI sync scheme. Press B+SELECT in slave mode to switch to analog mode ("a").

jonny5 wrote:

Number 2-  ... as soon as I plug in the audio cable to the gba, no more sound??

I don't know what this could be, works fine here. Probably some kind of voltage issue. You did not connect OUT and IN, did you? It should be only IN for sync as slave, obviously, or OUT for nanoloop as master.

Awesome!!  Thanks Oliver, knew it was probably something I was doing wrong on the sync.  Will advise back on the audio issue, and no, I made separate cables for master and slave sync.

Has anybody got this working properly? I'm having a number of issues. Number 1  - when I send it a 16th clock from either my Analog 4 or my modular, nanoloop is stepping once every 3 pulses?? It should be steeping on each one , no? It's not like it's just running half speed either. Very odd.

Tried this with both newest updates for nanoloop 1 and 2, same results.

Number 2-  on nanoloop 2, it seems to be responding to the clock(albeit weirdly as noted above) and making sound, but as soon as I plug in the audio cable to the gba, no more sound??  What's that about?  It's still 'sync'd' but plugging in the jack seems to kill the audio?? I've tried on 2 different SP's

Any ideas?? Hoping I'm just missing something obvious

Hey all,

Was hoping somebody might be able to shed some light on an issue I'm having syncing nanoloop with my arduinoboy.  Haven't used it in a while and now it just wont sync for some reason.  it worked previously

I can confirm the midi clock is getting to the arduinoboy as the LED's are advancing in time to the BPM I'm feeding it but Nanoloop is not starting with it.

LSDJ syncs no problem with arduinoboy when in LSDJ slave mode.

Gameboy to Gameboy link and both nanoloops will sync and start with each other.

Midi-USB nanoloop adapter also works fine, syncing and starting/stopping as it should.

Anybody know of any reason it wouldn't work with the arduinoboy, perhaps something obvious I am overlooking?

I've even tried every mode on the arduinoboy just to check it out and nothing.  Also tried multiple different link cables, all which work for straight gameboy to gameboy sync.

I have tried both 1.x and 2.x carts, same problem.  Have tried multiple gameboys and GBA's, same problem.  What makes it all so weird is all configurations I have tried work fine with everything but the arduinoboy.  I have also tried sending the midi from both my midi interface and from my Elektrons, neither works with nanoloop; both work fine with LSDJ.

Really scratching my head here, spent a couple hours trying to get this working last night.

Any ideas?


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have one I'm not using.  How much you looking to spend and where are you located?

OK, that was awesome!!  More like that please.  Really enjoyed the tempo changes and drum fills, as well as the melodic harmony.  You've really captured the essence of poppy punk and applied it to the gameboy.

Great stuff!

Needs more Prophet 5


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

oliver wrote:
jonny5 wrote:

it would be nice to have a go with it in the interim.

That's exactly what the beta is for.

jonny5 wrote:

Any chance of a demo rom for the beta, just so I can mess with it at work?  Will update my cart when the proper finished version drops in a week or 2

There will be a demo, but why not load the beta on your cart right now? Your loops will remain untouched, just use a separate bank for new patterns. You can always wipe the update and return to 1.6.3 with a simple button press.

If by at work you mean an emulator: Emulators don't play the short envelopes properly.

Ya, I do a lot of nanolooping at work via emulators.  I've found using the 2.7 demo with no$GBA perfect, as I can come up with ideas and mess with things, save a snap shot and email it to myself so I can copy it into my cart when I get home and mess further.

I will likely just load the beta on my cart as you say.  I really haven't been using 1.6 nearly as much since you dropped 2.7.

Big thanks for the continued development on both versions.


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Awesome!!  Super stoked on this update!  Any chance of a demo rom for the beta, just so I can mess with it at work?  Will update my cart when the proper finished version drops in a week or 2, but it would be nice to have a go with it in the interim.

Any chance of the song mode looping in 2.7?  Would be huge for me.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Selling my midiNES 1.1.0 as I never really use it.

Looking for $220USD shipped in North America, payment via Paypal.

Can post pics if required

Never had a problem with it myself and I have used it a lot with both 1.6 and 2.6/2.7.

Something to be aware of, I have found that if you stop your DAW, before you start it again you need to hit A+B on the gameboy again, otherwise when you start the DAW back up nanoloop starts from where ever it was when you stopped it, rather than the start of the loop.

If you are using the usb midi adaptor with it, you need to ensure it is set to SYNC, you need to put Nanoloop 1.6 in slave sync mode and then you just need to ensure the USB midi device is set to receive sync in the Live midi preferences and you should be good to go.

FYI, the Nanoloop manual explains how to do this, it's the same procedure as syncing 2 gameboys.


Big ups on this software!!  I'm really loving the simplicity of it.

Here's the first track I made with it the other day.


I can upload the .bbsong  or the .tap if anybody is interested.

Thanks again for such a wonderful piece of software!