(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cartoon Bomb wrote:

Sometimes I'll open Reason or some vst, find a sound I like that will be polyphonic, then just export a variety of chords, which I then use in LGPT. Of course I'll sample all kinds of other stuff, I just like the chord thing for trackers because it just seems less confusing and probably sounds better than using more than just one channel.

I've been meaning to start doing this with Renoise, but I'm confused on how you would make a continuous looping sound without clicks to make pads and such. Also, is it possible to alter the volume envelope of the afterwards?


(58 replies, posted in Releases)

Yeah blue fish killed me


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Je Mappelle wrote:

I would say that all of this depends on what kind of song you're writing. It would be silly to have a set answer to all of these questions in my opinion. You do it differently every time.

Well I mean, I'm not really looking for a set answer though to be honest-we can talk about different ways! It's obvious to say that there's different ways to do it per song, but there's probably a lot we all could learn here in different styles. For example, I never even thought of nordloef's resampling to higher pitch trick before. This is a topic that I admittedly know very little about and would love to hear how other people approach it in whatever style of music they make. I hear creative sample use all over this community and I'm sure there are great lessons to be learned.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Very nice! You know at first I didn't think drum samples were applicable in this thread here but I totally forgot about drum breaks/loops as a longer sample, which would definitely apply to this topic here too


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just want to start off by saying that this is NOT talking about the legality/ethical issues of sampling so before you start to go there just hush yo mouf

Nor is it about drum or synth samples, but rather full songs/audio clips/acapellas/etc. - a discussion on the actual sampling process, techniques, and how you like to approach it. I know there's a bunch of guys here who do this if even just with trying it out so there's probably a lot of different beliefs here and in this medium, there isn't really a right answer.

Preferred method of sampling?
-directly slicing the audio
-slice to MIDI, playback on drum pads
-hardware samplers
-other (like field recordings, recording yourself)

What kind of samples do you look for in your music? What qualities do you like to find in a sample? What really inspires you? Acapellas? Instrumental? No drums? Why?

How do you like to mix samples? Things to look out for in blending the sample with added instrumentation (or another sample)? EQ/compression strategies?

The only time I've ever done anything like this was when I first got my Launchpad and made a little cheesy test here. It's just a sample of a Zappa instrumental break with no drums. The only thing I knew how to do was put in 808 drums and sidechain it...so I'm really looking to see what else I can do with this kinda stuff. I feel almost like I'm limited to parts of songs that don't have drums so they won't clash with any drum tracks I write in, but there's obviously i have a lot to learn.


i dunno talk about sampling or something

Wizwars and shitbird HAVE to play the same day. Fuck yes.

Somebody is going to seriously get hurt.

egr wrote:
an0va wrote:

In the words of Chipocrite on the topic of empty Combos snacks, "this makes me want to murder someone."

"Attention all of my friends in Italy!  Please come to my tiny bar show in Pigeonhole, Mississippi!"

hahaha exactly!

"hey old high school friend who I haven't contacted in decades, though I live on another continent I think you should definitely know that I am DJing at the bar down the street from my place!"

egr wrote:

an event invite that says something like "We need your help!" to all your Facebook friends.  At least then you'd know they got a notification about it (well, probably).

In the words of Chipocrite on the topic of empty Combos snacks, "this makes me want to murder someone."

but dont give a fuck for <5 amirite

Are we even sure that original track was done in LSDJ?

From what I understand, the earlier values of like around x0-x7 are the "tonal" mode (is this "Looped mode?") and x8-xF is standard filtered white noise. I've done psuedo-octave switching by starting with a note in the first dimension and then automating the first digit in the hex value.

lol, 16 channels of LSDJ?!


(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

A lot of money for moderately small I/O. If you're still down for Apogee though, you could probably pick up a used original Duet for a good price by now

Very nice!!!

what a weird thing to say

Exactly, Danimal! And that one person can make it all worth while.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think this is a great idea!