high NOI filter w/ quick fade in
+ BRK sample slightly after
+ careful mixing between the two hits, make the NOI cover the "B-"
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high NOI filter w/ quick fade in
+ BRK sample slightly after
+ careful mixing between the two hits, make the NOI cover the "B-"
battle for a chzsteak
Actually haven't any problems. The only thing that slightly annoys me is when I see the first letter capitalized, as in "An0va"
Moving into my new apartment in Philly earlier this day; will definitely want to unwind(hype up) to some steakstatic afterwards.
Hm. My Pulses are usually a fair volume (A-B), but I also make my Wav instruments loud as all hell in the synth screen. I've done a little bit of post-EQ and limiting to bump it up a bit, and sometimes a slight touch of reverb, but I've never multitracked with the gameboy yet. I will eventually, but I've heard some releases (Ralp in particular) that had no production outside of a prosound mod, and those tracks still sound crushing. It's all about your ear IMO.
holy fucks
an0va wrote:pm'd for nuby lights
What happened? You never got back to me after offering a price and committing to purchase them...
Nuby lights available again, I suppose.
Yeah, pass them on. I completely forgot to check back on this site, my bad!
<psychology nerd post to follow>
In defense of the OP, there actually is a scientific term for these concepts within contemporary positive psychology/study of personality. It's by Dr. Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced "cheek-says-me-high"), and the coined term is simply "Flow." Flow is defined as an intense state of concentration through doing a certain task. Trick is though, it must fall on a safe line between easy and challenging. It had to provide that slight amount of challenge to promote motivation however it can not be too challenging as to stop the person from doing the task. Experiences of "flow" allow for the person to feel as if time had passed by very quickly-much like the old phrase, "time flies when you're having fun." Perhaps it's best to view it as upon a spectrum:
Here, flow is observed within a task that has a high challenging level-however the skill level for that task is high. It's contextual. For example, one can experience "flow" during something as menial as even mopping the floor. However, the process of making music is a highly observed domain where experiences of flow are said to occur, and recent study in contemporary psychology continues to study this relationship between flow and music. At the risk of not overloading this post with scholarly articles and "snooze-reads," here's a cheap pop-psych intro to this theory by Dr. Csikszentmihalyi himself: 0060928204
additional reading (or just search 'csikszentmihalyi' and 'flow'):
There WAS a big story on this in Electronic Musician magazine or something, but I can't find it now for some reason.
manual backlight switches ftw
the only zone i've been taken to with LSDJ is "the bone zone"
This is pretty cool. Sometimes I'll definitely have to go back and play from the beginning of the chain though, especially when experimenting with a within-chain transition. Never upgraded an LSDJ version though. I suppose you just back up your savs, then flash the ROM?
pm'd for nuby lights
*raises hand* can't do blip this year
Oh fuck. Now I have a reason to buy 2.X
ready to rock / Forums / Posts by an0va