I have a feeling it wouldn't exactly be tons of people clamoring to get their votes in.  And since you said yourself (and I agree) it shouldn't be serious business, I'm sure no one would care until the final votes are tallied.  Which means there won't be a need for maintaining a live standing or whatever.  Tally all the posts before a defined date/time...post standings...tada!  It may even further prevent playing favorites or helping underdogs...I mean If you don't want to tally on the fly to keep an up to date standing...I'm sure as hell no one else wants to.  Also, by what I've seen of the buyer feedback thread I think the same idea would apply smoothly here without any double posting or cheating or what-the-hell-ever.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks for the info, bud.  I think I'll just keep it for now...I don't think I could go without LSDJ on my DMG/GBC for any longer than a day now haha.  When I heard that it sucks going back to an emulator from the genuine article I had my doubts...but I've tried exactly that and those fellas were definitely not kidding.

That's a really good point, pixls.  Since it'd be in a particular thread, only those wanting to play along could vote fairly unless someone spams 8bc with "vote for me" nonsense, but I'm hoping no one has the energy, nor the malfunctioned brain chemistry, to actually do that.  Plus there won't be 6 billion people voting for a song because it sounds like Megaman or Jingle Bells.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Good call.  I'm baffled why I didn't think of that.

I think that sounds pretty rad.  It's especially good for those like me that are trying to broaden their skills.  I think the compilation idea is definitely cool and a better idea even though I wouldn't really mind a voting system since there seems to be less "I LIKE THIS BECAUSE YOU MADE IT" mindset on this website.


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kinesis by Smiletron
   (Some of those kicks are so gritty they make me want to eat dirt or something)

Car-Jack by Electric Children
   (All EC and FighterX drama aside...the first syncopated bit in there makes me want to stomp on a car hood)

...If you happen to see a 23yr.old college male with a beard and a Soundgarden hat foaming at the mouth chomping on handfuls of dirt while tangling himself in a headphone chord ontop of a car...He's not manic.  he's probably just listening both those songs at the same time.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

- Cool I'll keep experimenting.  I didn't know about the Groove trick and I'll have to try that out later.  The sound I'm shooting for doesn't sound the way I want it using arps so if the previous advice doesn't work I'll continue using my GBC that apparently requires more patience and not a tune-up.



(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've been messing around with LSDJ for a little over 5 months now on an emulator and last month I found my old GBC and bought a DMG-01.  Questions engage:

-I've read many of the internets about DMG limitations and high bpm's and complex tables giving them some trouble.  Could anyone throw me some idea of a benchmark?  By that I mean...I've got a 160bpm song going on here...pu1, pu2, wav combined to make chords with V command instruments and a P command thrown in here and there which is enough to make my DMG get a little sick.  I've just heard so many more complicated and insane songs done with them and was curious whether it might be a hardware problem.

-Sometimes when starting up my GBC with my 64 USB Smartcard I am constantly booted to page 2.  With LSDJ on page 1 it's pretty annoying and no matter how many times I try "turning it off and on again" (shameless IT Crowd quote) it won't switch to page one.  I'll just have to let it sit while powered off until I try again later and it'll decide it's ready for page 1.  Common problem?  Cart problem?  GBC problem?  Poltergeist?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Google let me down with the GBC question and I'm curious about the DMG limitations.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Awol wrote:

Oh, hey look: 8bc is back up.


If I had come back to the thread a bit earlier when this was just posted (since there'd be no posts after it not even acknowledging it like there are now) I would have been rick-rolled hard.  I expected a flurry of "Damn, nothing lasts forever" or "GOOD GET THIS NEW GUYS OUT OF HERE".  Since it was anything less...my suspicion was aroused.

Sherlock Holmes out.

PS:  Since I guess I can be considered one of those "new guys"...I just wanted to say I almost feel guilty setting my page layout to "Trashbaby"


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I can only imagine the rage of the people just clicking on this thread this morning after realizing 8bc was down.  Another 404'd page would have been terrible haha.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The most important thing for most people when using 8bc is feedback.  I've only been a dedicated follower and contributer to 8bc for a couple months now and the only reason I don't post songs here as much is I almost know I won't get any feedback.  It's not about "likes" for me, but for others who may be a bit more into the little ego boost I can tell why'd they'd be annoyed at 8bc.  If you're not already well known, you're not going to get the 350 "likes" that quite possibly a lesser song would get by someone everyone already knows. For someone that wants to learn and get better I think 8bc is a better community though.  Ignoring mindless trolls and stupidity isn't difficult and If i happen upon a song that is pure crap it's easy to just click away or actually leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback rather than flame someone's hard work.    A lot of people forget that everyone starts somewhere and chipmusic.org really falls victim to that.