Now updated with promotional/teaser video.

I set off on Friday morning, get to Edinburgh around lunch time.

The way how the kick is achieved with Nanoloop is by adjusting the length envelope and tweaking the pitch shift to both their desired points. Surely there's a way of adjusting the length with LSDj too? Unless this is purely the slight 'glitch' it seems with the pitch of the kick going up and down a semitone  or two every few "kicks".


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

‘Anaphylaxis takes you through further depths of CS’s (Cerebral Scars) mindset presenting an armory of dark swelling-like furious beats and disruptively varied rhythmical techno hypnotics.

Tearing the northern UK scene in his second release with Geordie spirit, CS is no stranger to pushing new horizons of Gameboy hardware limitations. Spanning 2009-2011 in the making with a breath of unrelentingly intensive club activity and sonically allaying nature, be prepared for this release is to cause maximum riotous impact - JUST DO IT!’ -a.p

Listen to it here for free here:


Spöka wrote:

Is there a way to download this album?

Aye, I'l try and work on that in a bit. add a download link or something to it.

'For his debut EP Cerebral Scars takes us on a trip through the deep dark minimal techno caves of his brain.' - Kittenrock

I present a re-release of this album with new additional tracks. Enjoy.

   promo video - pass it on!

Minor update: will finish at 1 instead of 2 -due to licensing

Update: Lifesavers of the day - Comptroller and The Tinfoil hat brigade acts confirmed!

Update:, Jellica is also unable to attend. - more info soon

Update: Due to unforeseen timing  - We Are The Future is unable to make it to the night.

Lo-bit Underground Vol.2

26.08.11 - 20.00 till 01.00 - £4 entry @ The Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle Upon Tyne.


Cerebral Scars(UK)
The Tinfoil Hat Brigade(UK)

Friday - 26.08.11

Doors open at 19.30
Show starts at 20.00 till 01.00

£4 Entry


‘Lo-bit Underground’ is an Electronic music showcase event which platforms a national and global presence of varying Musicians that specialise in using video game hardware to produce, compose and arrange their music. Also known as ‘Chiptune’ or ‘Chipmusic’.

In it’s second event running, we have two exclusive Japanese guests musicians who are well acknowledged globally for their music. ‘Bokusatsu Shoujo Koubou (BSK)‘ and ‘Maru’. Hailing all the way from Fukuoka, a city capital situated on the northern shore of the island Kyushu in Japan. They bring together a unique attendance for this event.

We are holding the event at Newcastle’s only volunteer / Anarchist run cinema ‘The Star and Shadow cinema’. With this particular music scene having underground roots with a strong D.I.Y presence and culture. We felt it was just as essential to establish association with a local grassroots venue.

Devices such as the Commondore 64 and Nintendo Game Boy are repurposed into the service of original high-impact electronic music and visuals. Sidestepping gaming culture and instead exploring technology’s untapped potential of intrinsic characteristics.

‘Lo bit Underground’ presents a vivid night of electronic music performances with musicians using lo-bit technology to create high-end music.

(Tickets on sale at the door on the day of the event)

Also as part of BSK's + Maru on slaughtering EU Tour ! - http://bokusatsushoujokoubou.blogspot.c … shock.html



Facebook event:



The Star and Shadow Cinema
Stepney Bank
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear

I liked the varied use of instruments, rhythms and panned space like melodies in this release. Well constructed either way, Good work.

Terrible, hope the artists get the recognition their mean't to and that this person is exposed for what she's really doing.

Image code re upped,


With increasing progression of public anger within this country, March 26th marks one of the biggest demonstrations for years.

Myself and others will be organising one speaker system, out of the many of other organised street party events to take place that day.

We will be planning our own Electronic Music attack  onto the streets in solidarity to others that are taking action on the 26th. Our Sound system will be open mic to all, anyone wishing to play / have a slot of  music, singing, anything  is very welcome to join in.

Or send an email to [email protected] if necessary, we will be arriving around 11am near Victoria Embankment  where others are to soon begin demonstrating and be going towards Hyde park Rally point with others.

See you there in London!