Imaginary wrote:

Hell yeah, this is badass dude. I've always liked your tracks and thought your sound design was interesting and fresh, guess it makes sense now that you were coming from a totally different perspective. More power to ya brother.

Cheers. I think you don't stop learning, even now I'm still finding new ways/techniques on making music

VCMG wrote:

Really inspiring! I never knew you were profoundly deaf and I think you make some awesome tunes. Rock on dude

Cheers man, working on some new music atm.

Thought I'd share that I got featured in a national deaf organization's  website recently which I talked about myself, deafness, chip music also music in general .

You can see it here:- … 408025CC3B


Just got to Auckland, here till Tuesday. Not heard anything back from '8bit kidd' yet about chip tune gigs. Does anyone know if he's around or if anyone else happens to also live in Auckland/NZ scene and puts on shows?


Done. cheers

Only have limited internet access at the moment.

I've tried using GB_USB to back up a sav file on a Windows Vista 64bit computer though when using the software to make it possible to use unsigned software it still says it's unable to use it because it's not signed. Steps taken were

>Sign a system
>Located to EMS_Link files
>Restart computer
>Plug in Catridge and update hardware
-   Software is not able to be used because it's not signed. -

The other option is using a Mac, though when I tried using it it said there was a problem with sudo, I followed the steps it said to use in Terminal though it still wouldn't let me back up the catridge.

If' you're think i'm missing a step on either computer feel free to let me know.

Short film about the life of a profoundly born Deaf musician (Chipmusic included)

English captions available on Youtube CC

Just wondered, what happened to everyone here? It looks like an active scene at the time?


After scrawling through CD's, the internet and old file storages I'm in search for an old early track I wrote around 2006/7 called 'Explode'. I uploaded it onto 8bit collective too.

I was just looking to add it to my personal backlog of tracks made though realised I hadn't saved it or could find it anywhere.

I remember why at the time I mustn't have backed it up, because around that same time 8bc was a solid site (wasn't expecting it to go down) It's only dawned on me now that you can't actually access the site or old tracks from 8bc.

I've seen a few threads on here where people have been trying to get old tracks from 8bc. Is 8bc coming back or is it possible to extract mp3 data somehow from the site?

Or maybe someone might've backed up all the songs of 8bc onto a torrent?

It may be uncertain that I can ever find that track though out of chance If someone there has the track stored somewhere feel free to send it to explosive_amp(at)hotmai(dot)co(dot)uk


From his Facebook post:- … mp;theater


Today marks the 10th anniversary of the 8GB project. 10 years is not something to understate so I will pat myself on the back for such a feat.

In the beginning it was 2 of us, my friend Bubblo and me, whom out of a shared interest in video and music, decided to do a -real- audiovisual live set (a rare occurrence still today). By that time, 2004, I had been experimenting with Game Boy music making for about 6 years after finding the works of stalwarts of modern chipmusic like Goto80, Role Model, gwEm, Eat Rabbit or Bit Shifter. Since I started making music in 1993 with trackers on my Amiga (wow, that was 21 years ago), LSDJ seemed like the perfect fit and I was having a lot of fun using it and trying to push the Game Boy to its limits. And that is how I joined the "contemporary chipmusic scene".

At the time chipmusic wasn't just about who sounds "more chip" or not, about what hardware/software people use or not and how "real" that would be. Above all, it was a shared ethos of breaking the limits of what is possible with the hardware/software we chose to use. We were, in most cases, never afraid to diversify, both in hardware (adding drums, real or synthetic, guitars, voice, other synths, etc) and in style (each and everyone made their own type of music and "chiptune" wasn't necessarily a synonym for a certain type of sounds or music even less considered a "genre"). People resembled it to punk in its rebellious, DIY attitude, and they weren't too far off.

I am very thankful about all that I have learned while being part of chipmusic. All the people I have met are incredible humans and very talented, friends that I will treasure forever. I managed to travel the world with this project and thanks to chipmusic events all over, the people that organized them and their unimaginable hospitality. I enjoyed very much trying to push the sonic limits of my old hardware and see how far I could go.
However, little by little, I drifted apart from this scene.

The departure of Bubblo made the project slowly lose its visual edge, which was a very important part of it all. I hit a ceiling regarding sound synthesis specially on the Game Boy, and I discovered better, more natural, faster and ultimately more satisfying ways to write music instead of using a tracker.
Chipmusic became more of a "genre", often not allowing any of the variety, openness and freshness that got me interested in the scene when I first approached it.

I played many gigs in recent years where I felt completely inadequate for the setting, which was usually based around performing with Game Boys, the connection to videogames and nostalgia and other things that were, just simply, never the motivation behind anything I did.

I decided to just keep on going and slowly shift my sound to where I wanted it to be. But the 8-bit "stigma" stuck to my music. Plenty of times I make tunes that have nothing to do with chiptune yet someone always wants to tag it as such, just because of past history. At the same time, this miscategorization leads to reduced attention from the only group that is mostly looking at what I release.

It really makes me feel all my efforts to better myself at music, to try to do something new every time, to expand my horizons, to release something with proper quality and in proper form, are for nothing. Working so much on a release and having it go largely unnoticed feels like a huge waste of my time.
I thought long and hard about how to solve this but nothing I have done before really worked, so after much thought I have come to the decision to kill this project on its tenth anniversary, that is, today.

8GB has always been about dancefloor-oriented electronic music above all, regardless of how it was made.

The project will die but I will never give up making music. In the past years I have created for myself a bunch of other aliases on which I have been more free to pursue my musical interests without the "pressure" or stigma of it having to be considered part of something it really isn't and as such, misjudged. I'm making whatever I like regardless of labels. I'm learning new skills like always, and apply them to more varied types of music. I am trying to diversify and to expand my limitations. I am working to get better at making music every day, in all aspects. And much of this is not possible as 8GB anymore.

I will still have a project focused on making dancefloor oriented electronic music, but at this point, I have no idea what it will be called and how it will sound (well, maybe I do have an idea of what it should sound like). I am trying to work this out. I am starting a new life, moving to a new country (again) and this is a perfect chance to start afresh. I will have many months to try to settle down into this new life and to find myself again music-wise and give my music new identities that I can feel happy about and where I can express myself freely without constrains.

If you actually read all the way to this point you are one of the few people that actually care about what I do and probably have been supporting me throughout all these years, attending shows, listening and downloading. I have to say your support has been key in my continued work and progress in what I do, and to you, I am forever grateful. Please find on the website linked below a pack with all the music I ever finished under this moniker and a few under some of the other aliases. Most of those have never been released to the public before.

Ladies and gentlemen, this marks the death of 8GB. But it's also its rebirth.

It's been hell of a ride these past ten years. Thanks for making them possible.

You know how to keep in touch. See you around,

- Akira / 8GB '


Has anyone had any trouble carrying modified game consoles and equipment abroad at airports? (i.e - backlight gameboy, lsdj, kaoss pad)

I read a law was recently passed saying you need to charge your laptop and any electronic equipment when entering airports.

These articles only specify the USA, though wondered if this also applied to worldwide or if anyone has trouble carrying 2/3 consoles for performing?

Would putting new batteries be enough to show the equipment worked through security?



Articles:- … arged.html + … ys-US.html

dosPrompt wrote:

As far as a Melbourne show goes, ordinarily we would try to offer an artist that was coming through town an opportunity to play at a SoundBytes, but it's two weeks before Square Sounds 2015, it's just too close together for us to try and do both. If you find yourself in Melbourne again during your Perth stay let us know and we'll see can work something out.

(That said if you're a chip fan, you might want to organise your trip in such a way you can be in Melbourne for SSM15 anyway, you probably won't get a whole lot of other opportunities to see chip and the preparty might be an option for you to play as well. There's potentially for us to work with a Perth promoter on a show around that time too, so we'll keep your availability in mind)

Cool thanks for the info. I'll keep you updated about Perth.

I'll be passing Dubai soon on the 5th September for two days. I couldn't find anything online though wondered if a chip scene existed in Dubai or within the UAE (United Arab Emirates)?

8BIT KIDD wrote:

We can set some stuff up for you in Auckland nz, you got my details man, stay in touch

Will do, cheers.

I wasn't sure whenever the post this here or in upcoming shows. I need your help (international chip community/scenes).

I'm travelling to New Zealand, Australia and Japan throughout this year and next. It'd be really cool to be able to play/perform in each country at least once. Here's how long I'll be in each place (will update as shows are confirmed):-

[10th September 2014 - 2nd March 2015] New Zealand

[4th March 2015 - 8th March 2015] Melbourne, Australia
[8th March 2015 - 25th  April 2015] Perth, Australia

[3rd May 2015 - 01 July 2015] - Tokyo, Japan

[3rd July 2015  - ]  - UK

If it'd be possible to play in your local city/venue or events even if they're far it'd be really cool to invite me to play! Maybe you might know people in these places, please let them know I'm going and that I'm looking to play shows!

No money is okay, though even if a little can be spared it'd be grateful towards my own expenses (Food, Travelling to show)

Please email:- [email protected]    for any shows or inquiries. I'll try to replies to these as soon as possible.

For examples of my music visit:-

Recent live set:-

Many Thanks!


I've searched the forums on here and found a Documentary about New Zealand chip scene, I didn't know there was a scene there. I'm moving to New Zealand in September for 6 months and wondered if there was an active music scene at the moment there?
