Most (all?) of Stagediver's releases have stems as well as source files. Get 'em ->

Looks like my own stuff has already been listed. Thanks smile


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've got one to sell cheap cause I couldn't get it working but I believe it was due to a bad piggy version. PM me if you wanna give it a try. I no longer have a gp2x.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Domu wrote:

Stop coining rubbish genre names man!

I nominate this for tweet bubble.


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Gimme dat keytar! #DIBS

Great Scott! Fantastic update!!

Nice! cool

Looks pretty neat! Im finally starting to get excited about it. There was an update a while back where Sunvox had been ported too!

Somebody that doesn't get NEARLY enough love is my boy Memero. Go give him some --> … t/?login=1

While you ponder all these things in your heart listen to this:

In amongst all the ball busting and memeing that this thread is sure to have I'm sure there'll be some kickass stuff I've never heard of.  Favorited and subscribed.

pselodux wrote:

I have the AIAIAI TMA-1x. Clearest headphones I've ever heard. I don't listen to much in the way of chip stuff but pretty much everything sounds amazing through them.

I've got the first version of the TMAs and I love them more than any other phones I've tried. Just pure comfort and non-fatiguing sound.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Yep. On it. heart

Edit: doh! Triple fuck up post.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm not saying this to be a smartass but if there happened to be a prog chip label at the moment it would be one that you'd never heard of which means either they're extremely new or just awful at promotion. Either way I don't think you'd benefit.  /$0.02


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Hell yeah! Checking this out on my lunch break today.