
(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

asneakyfatcat wrote:
wedanced wrote:

you could... leave it stock and just use the damn thing.

ya, but whats the fun in that?


Oh, yeah that makes more sense.  smile

Delek wrote:

This one:

I must really not understand how the pattern list works, then...

Time to RTFM again, I guess.

Delek wrote:
egr wrote:

Say what!?  yikes

YEAH, the ROM Builder is almost finished actually, but I decided to release the 5.1 without it because there are some problems with large tracks (memory space). But I will optimize the player a bit and everything will be fully functional for the 5.2 release.

That's fantastic!

Side note:  While reading over the Deflemask page I saw this statement -->

"- Independent Pattern order for each channel using a Pattern Matrix (Like Adlib Tracker/FamiTracker/Renoise 2.5.1)."

Which Adlib Tracker are you referring to?  I've been looking for DOS trackers that have channel specific patterns and haven't found any yet...

Delek wrote:

The next version will include Game Boy ROM builder!!!!. big_smile

Say what!?  yikes


(78 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh wow, I hadn't noticed you had these on Soundcloud.  Excellent track lists!

Tinctu wrote:

@egr - For any questions regarding the GHX Sound Engine just email to: [email protected]. Ask Him!

I did just that and here's the response:
GHX was only available to Nintendo 3rd Parties due NDA constraints. Also all tools for creating music and sfx did run on Amiga computers only (that was 12 years ago)

You may want to google for "AHX". That was the free available Amiga only version of "GHX".

Damn.  Now I'm even more curious than before.  >:[

herr_prof wrote:

/me prays for gbsp recasing

...with some extra room in it for a dedicated headphone jack!

boaconstructor wrote:
Reteris wrote:

Oh my god the beat at 0:30 on vultures theme what the fuck

Had no clue a DMG was capable of making perfect sweeps..

I read somewhere that Nanoloop makes use of the FDRO (fairy dust register operator).

GHX? Hadn't seen that one.  But you can't actually get it?

godinpants wrote:

I will do one again. If repeat offenders are fine?

Hell yeah, please do!


(25 replies, posted in Releases)


This has been in steady rotation in my vehicle for a year now.  Deserves far more attention and "Likes" than it has.

Godzola wrote:
egr wrote:

forever and ever.


Gahhhhh that clip is exactly what I was going to post!! lol smile

The Sandlot, an all time classic.

Wizwars wrote:

If it doesn't have to be previously unreleased I can submit something. I probably won't end up writing a new song in time.

Definitely doesn't have to be a new track.  In fact, the vast majority of tracks won't be new.  This is more of a "best of from the last six months and stuff you may have missed plus a nice little helping of new things".

EDIT:  I'm trying to put one of these together every 6 months.  One in January and one in July forever and ever.

Deadline for submissions is Dec 31, 2011.  Cover art will once again be by dataswitch --> http://dataswit.ch  Yay!

Chainsaw Police wrote:

Wait, is this still open...?

Anybody can send examples of their work or "concept art" or, hell, even finished pieces to [email protected] until Feb 1, 2012.  After that I'll pick 3 finalists and then a winner on April 1, 2012.