Do you have an android device? There's an app that makes ems64 use totally simple.

Edit: for lsdj you definitely want the ems. Batteries last for years and replacing them is extremely easy.

Double check that your arduinoboy and lsdj are on the correct mode.  Double check that ableton is sending midi on the correct channel for the arduinoboy.

This Wednesday!


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I want to add that if you don't like doing something then don't do it.  Making chiptune is not your job.  You have no responsibility or requirement to use any of the things you've bought just because you have them.

I'm saying this because all the responses to these kinds of threads tend to be "KEEP GOING!! YOU'RE THE BEST!! NEVER STOP FOREVER!!" but it is just as valid for you to realize that you don't enjoy making chip and decide to stop.  No biggie.  I don't like mushrooms so I don't eat them.  Ya feel me, brah?

I really need to give this another shot.  Creating ROMs is the killer feature for me but having all the systems right together is fantastic.

@Delek - I see that midi input is supported and I'm guessing that it's notes only?  Any chance we could get some "out of range" notes assigned to the functions like channel mute, play, stop, and loop point settings?

Coming up soon! Check the event page for artist vids and links.



(17 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I support this and agree that it's a shame Neil's work isn't spotlighted more often.

NEStopia is the emu of choice for all of his software.  It has the proper sav size etc.



(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Dig it. Very New/Synth/Wave.


(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

First remix received!


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Awww yeah! On it.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Fighter Carts!  Hope things get back on track for ASM, all their products are great.

Zyvoxx2 from Nashville added!

!!! That's awesome big_smile And yet again I cannot participate sad

You open a terminal window, navigate to the folder where nlmidi is, then type "nlmidi04.exe" or whatever your particular file name is. This isn't a windows program.  It's a command line tool, so double clicking etc won't work.

Here's the answer I got from reddit.  So simple.