I'm sure kitsch would put it on one of his prom carts for you: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/ga … -cartridge

herr_prof wrote:

heh i know dudes who max out chains for one song on one sav. Not that guy for sure.

Come to think of it Solarbear's last album had at least one track that was more than one sav big.  I can't even comprehend that.  My stuff has like 10 chains max lol.

Ok, now I'm impressed. Well done, sir!

Also littlefm on drag'n'derp will manage multiple savs of much more than one song each. In my (and most others) opinion that is _the best_ option.

It's great that you've made this, very much appreciated!  I'm looking forward to this developing and expanding.

Oh, that's bad.  You may be exceeding the ram limit of the psp.  I think it's 64MB for the 3000.  Or it could be that you're editing instruments while the project is playing?  That causes crashes sometimes and could cause you to loose unsaved work.

This seems like an appropriate place to mention this ems 64m app that just showed up: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … emsflasher

[post reserved]

The wav channel chords are in the Game Boy Advance version of Nanoloop (2.XX) only.  Sandneil is correct that the synthesis is done by the cart hardware.  LSDJ is a program for Game Boy Color and original Game Boy.  Even when it's run on a Game Boy Advance it is still limited to the original hardware capabilities.

Try renaming the project folder to something like lgpt_project (no caps or odd characters).

herr_prof wrote:

also it seems he explained the tcpip linkport spec in detail... wonder if anyone can hack the arduinoboy version to work with a sync application on the machine using it?

I'm very interested in even just simple tempo sync for BGB.  The sample abuse I use so much apparently causes some significant speed fluctuations.  When recording a midi synced cgb I'm really surprised how different it is!

[in before "have at it, bro!"]

Use BGB instead of gambatte.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/12730 … -20141018/



(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you're used to LSDJ you will be very disappointed with Nitrotracker.  Pretty much no instrument/sound design options and pattern commands are extremely limited.  As a simple sequencer it's alright, I suppose.

A neat little bluetooth speaker that works great with my phone smile

Here's a good place to start: http://www.wizardworld.com/

My wife and I went to a Wizard con last year (or early this year, can't remember) and it was sweet.  Got our picture with Matt Smith!!  big_smile   Also met James O'Barr and a bunch of other cool actors etc.  Highly recommended!