And reaper.

IceWolf wrote:

That explains it!

Haha yeah I wasted a lot of Mark's time before mentioning it myself.  I've switched back to windows purely for proper piggin.

Are you on a 64bit system? Cause that sounds exactly like the issues I was having. Currently piggy can't run on 64bit linux.

Does piggy run at all?

Is there even a gba - specific music program? I mean just for pc that's not mml or somesuch.

I nominate Mr Wimmer:

(you all are fairly close to each other as well, Lexington and Louisville!)

Very cool, keep the info coming!

Looks like you have a dev board on top of the raspi?

defiantsystems wrote:

I'm proud to be a part of this label.

And we are proud to have you!

Super Busty Samurai Monkey interview and teaser video for their upcoming release "7".  See first post!

HacksawUnit wrote:

I'm making a small hacking-themed video game, and I need some tracker songs.
Shoot me a message if you are interested!

Can you provide any of the following info?

Number of songs required :
Rough length of songs :
Deadline :
Style or Genre required :
Compensation :
Contact information :
Game / company website :

Tim Burton told me I need to got this, guys.  Gotting now!

BLEO wrote:

<---- digging thru the file cabinet (no, not the one in my mind palace)


MaxDolensky wrote:

...will be featured soon on an album carried by Centaur, one of the top Classical music labels. … difference

Oho! Congrats, man!! big_smile

Nice!  Love that design

Really trying to be at this.

Well duh. I'm in.