Nice! Excellent album and sweet bonus package, I'm all about it!
1,186 Jul 14, 2013 8:48 pm
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Alpine wrote:imo, it's easier to compose on a portable, with an interface like that I mean. famitracker is really good for PC, there's lot of shit to click on, and you use a lot of the keyboard, but something like piggy only has a few keys that it uses, and doesn't require a mouse at all really.
if it's easier for you that's cool but i only use ctrl, a, s, and the arrow keys and i can write super quickly with my pc- not to mention the fact that i have the internet/hard drive right there for samples, as well as being able to record right then and there (which you mentioned). in my mind it saves steps and i don't lose anything, except perhaps portability but i don't really write music on planes or buses that much..
If you wanted you could snag a usb gamepad and map the buttons however you like. I use an xbox afterglow (i think that's what it's called) when PC piggin.
1,187 Jul 14, 2013 11:27 am
Re: Stagediver - "Rules By Which To Lose" vinyl teaser (47 replies, posted in Releases)
Hell yeah.
1,188 Jul 13, 2013 4:07 pm
Re: KK_GB_8M Programmable Cartridge (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Also nitro2k, maybe he'd do a weekly project on it.
1,189 Jul 12, 2013 9:12 pm
Re: KK_GB_8M Programmable Cartridge (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
(i posted some updates weeks ago, they didn't bump the thread, no one noticed, but some news is worth the bumping so imma do it now)
pay particular attention to a link in the 'CPLD' section.
Yeah, completely slipped by me! These are some very interesting details.
1,190 Jul 12, 2013 12:57 pm
Re: OTM (One Track Mind) - first software from LamptonWorm (9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Looks really interesting, I'd love to see the instrument editor especially and I like that all the sequencing info is viewable at the same time. Put my name in the hat for beta testers as well!
1,191 Jul 12, 2013 3:22 am
Re: DESUMATE - "NEVERMIND" [Datathrash releases thread] (86 replies, posted in Releases)
lol, Team Manager told me he's using some personal days soon after the second quarter reviews are finalized and the new quotas are set so we'll see
1,192 Jul 12, 2013 12:32 am
Re: DESUMATE - "NEVERMIND" [Datathrash releases thread] (86 replies, posted in Releases)
This self titled collection brings together tracks spanning 3/2012 to 6/2013 of The Ghost Servant's work on compilations, b-side's, and unreleased material. A fantastic cross-section of TGS material in a variety of styles and levels of intensity.
Also as an added bonus you get:
Z-Sabre (Ghostly Earstab Remix), a TGS remix of Decktonic! Original track is here:
Lukewarm, A Warning (Noise Mix), a preview of what's to come from TGS!
1,193 Jul 10, 2013 6:21 pm
Re: Gameboy Micro prosounding? (2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
when i had one i though the sound was excellent but i couldn't handle the tiny screen and dealing with save states.
1,194 Jul 9, 2013 11:56 am
Re: FOR SALE: AMIGA MICE, DISKS, A/V expander, etc (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Leaving these on here in case somebody needs disks mainly, rest went to eBay.
1,195 Jul 8, 2013 5:24 am
Re: Possible Future Event: Louisville/New Albany Open Mic/show (26 replies, posted in Past Events)
Absolutely (im in Bowling Green) and im sure the Lexington and Cincinnati gangs would be down.
1,196 Jul 8, 2013 5:20 am
Re: [CB005] Abortifacient - You Little Ripper (10 replies, posted in Releases)
Fuckin A!! Its about time, damn!!
1,197 Jul 7, 2013 7:26 pm
Re: J's D-Chirp: Extremely Simple TRS-80 music program (13 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Hey dude, here's all the results for "synther7" from my drives. A couple are named "synther7_coco.wav" so that should be what you need.
1,198 Jul 5, 2013 9:27 pm
Re: ArduinoBoy / PISS Box / Balun Rugged All In One (20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
As another update, I got the EDCOR tranny. It didn't work quite as I thought it would, but in the process, I think I found a better way - hook the L and R signals as the outer taps of the input side and use the center-tap as ground. This creates a difference signal. As with the PISSBox, play all the content on one channel and, BAM, noise reduction. It has the added benefit of not needing a passive mixer which seemed to be causing some harmonics from what I could tell. The EDCOR transformers are much larger than the one used on the PISS but, as a result, they sound pretty good - only a very marginal loss in bass from what I could tell. The output side is also balanced so two birds, meet one stone.
Nicely done! The PISSbox "mixer" does indeed have some odd behavior, will try to address this in future revisions. Just how big is this transformer you're using?
1,199 Jul 5, 2013 8:47 pm
Re: FOR SALE: AMIGA MICE, DISKS, A/V expander, etc (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Mailed out purchases so far, threw in some little trinkets for fun. I guess the rest of this will go to eBay on Monday night so if you want anything just PayPal it to [email protected]
EDIT: Also have a Roland R-70 drum machine with new battery and memory card on eBay already 1555.l2649
1,200 Jul 5, 2013 4:58 am
Re: Underrated releases? (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Part of the original wave of chipthrash that never got enough attention: