This is my second time running into your album now.  I think I saw your Tweet yesterday.

Good stuff.  What brought you to the UK?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I noticed CPU version one is missing from the list. I have a PCB here that was previously marked bad due to the playback issue.

Hey Anonymouse.  To tell you the truth, my customer service manager, Kerry, and I had a bit of a miscommunication.  We both discussed your situation when I noticed I had three seemingly identical messages in my inbox. I figured she had handled it after that point, to my error.

My apologies.  I have Kerry looking into our back end now to pull up your deets, we'll be in touch shortly.

Hey, majin.  What color backlight did you purchase?

Thanks, Joey.  Your vine got me interested.

Are there any demo tracks I can listen to somewhere?  I'd like to hear what the TI8x line is capable of.

nitro2k01 wrote:

Actually, I realize I have a really old (and dirty) DMG that I bought cheaply on an auction for its low serial number, and it has this problem. Unfortunately, after a quick analysis, I don't think the particular problem is related to bad/low value capacitors, but how the sound circuit in the CPU chip is constructed. It seems like when you turn the wave channel off, (which has to be done to reload the sample buffer) it returns to a DC level way outside of the amplitude range of the wave channel. My antispike fix isn't of much help either. Unfortunately, I don't think the problem is fixable. I will try some things, but don't keep your hope up.

Oh, wow.  So each time you play a sample your DMG turns OFF a channel?  Does that cause...clicking?

On the topic of power spikes, Nitro.  Why does a DMG have that audible "pop" when you turn it on?  Why do you get the same when you pan L or R?  Are they related, or separate causes?  Can that L R pan pop be reduced somehow?


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Vodka and reverse-osmosis water.  This is my compromise between bodybuilding (low cal), staying hydrated, and getting sloshed.

You're all legendary.  Thank you!

This has been an inherent issue ever since I got into modding.  Replacing the rear PCB fixes it.  It's isolated to WAV channel sample playback.  Any of you who've heard it know exactly what I'm talking about.  Samples have a noisy "whine" to them 100% of the time.

Any hypothesis on what causes this issue, and how to fix it?

Exciting news!  I'm adding a limited quantity of our new line of backlights, the V5, for backers pledging $25 or more.  This will be a bonus, and not officially in the kickstarter.  V5s aren't commercially available for purchase quite yet, (but they will be soon!,) so you'll be getting some brand new tech before the rest of the peeps out there can get their hands on them.

If you decide to back our project, please drop me an email at nonfinite@gmail telling me what color you'd like and I'll have one shipped to you promptly at the end of the fundraiser.  Colors are white, blue, green, red, pink, yellow, and orange.

louisdeb wrote:

Man I wanna back but don't know if I can yet... Very excited for it. I'm sure it'll hit the goal soon enough! Good luck

Here's hoping!  Thanks for the kind words.  If you want to stay up to date, please check out as well!  I'm thinking that'll be THE resource for this.  Everything related will be linked to from there.

katsumbhong wrote:

option of donation for .sav files?

Here's the thing: I had no plans to use LSDJ for this project!  That being said, I'm not opposed to incorporating it.  So far, I've been using a couple different versions of nanoloop 2.x, both clean and with analog delay, and I have some test material done where I was playing some really hard dancy vinyl over some portions of the film.

What I CAN promise you, however, is complete transparency.  I'm releasing everything that has value, from the presentation I put together detailing the kickstarter schedule to video footage of the recording process to any sort of stems that end up being made.  If I do end up using LSDJ, there will be .savs available.  Same goes for famitracker .ftms, instruments, etc.  I'll even be exporting nanoloop patterns.  It seems sensible that this should all come standard for backers that top that $20 mark, as they're also getting streaming access from Jan 6th-20th.

By the way, if anyone has ideas about rewards, or thoughts on anything else, please speak up.  I'm very open to influence on this project.  I'm not really guiding this as much as whatever input decides to present itself will be guiding me for the next several weeks.

First update: created


Dec. 29th, 2013:  KICKSTARTER IS LIVE!


Hey everybody!  Starting tomorrow, I will be opening up a Kickstarter to fund a huuuuuge project I've taken on.  This project encompasses all sorts of new creative processes: learning a new instrument, creating a new 30 minute album of completely original material, and making artwork and printed materials from upcycled equipment.  This is perhaps the biggest creative undertaking I've ever sought to complete.  As such, it's going to take a bit of time to really sum up what it is I'm doing.  Please check out the videos to get a taste for what's to come!

About a week ago, I sat down with a portion of the animated film, The Snowman, and wrote a fully improvised score over it, on the fly.  Here is a clip of that process.  I will be using sounds and instruments close to my heart, (and currently at my disposal, use what I have wherever possible vs. buying more crap!) so expect lots of chip influence.

Expect this Kickstarter to run for about three weeks starting tomorrow.  Currently, the intention is to begin streaming daily content for backers about one week into the process.  This way, anyone backing will be able to check out what I and my friend and creative assistant, Alex, are up to, watch feeds, and talk with us.  We're going to make this project as organic and as open to influence as possible.  Oh, and did I mention I'm going to be teaching myself how to play bass guitar for this project?

Stay tuned.  All of the websites associated with my art and work will be changing over the next 24 hours to flow a bit better.  Expect bandcamp to be available on my main artist site,, in a few hours.  Keep an eye out for updates on Youtube, and expect to hear frequent news right here as well.  Lots of amazing stuff on the way, folks.  Thanks for your time!

Let me know what you think of this.  I recorded it this morning.  Delay and distortion, so definitely not clean nano, but segments of it may be up your alley.

This one might be to your liking, too.

I get stuck frequently in trackers, DAWs, etc.  Sometimes it's nice to get away from conventional writing styles.  Nanoloop accomplishes that need for me pretty well.