I went through your entire album in 3 minutes. 

There's some cool grooves in 26=.  I can't really get into ambient mostly because I can't tell if it was actually labored over, or just some procedural copy pasta with sprinkles added on top.

For anyone going, I am running a Chiptune panel at 530 in the merman theater also


(4 replies, posted in Collaborations)



(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Holy shitballs.  I was on vacation when this came out.  Now I have seen the light.


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros wrote:

I really wish I could give a shit.

one day I'll reprogram you to love again


(25 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

On the first track, stay away from the sound effect samples.  They come off as a cheap gimmick.  I'm not a fan of autotune on vocals like that, but for what it is, it's not bad. 

On the 2nd one, why is there a picture of a gameboy if you didn't use a gameboy?    You've got a pretty good ear, keep making music for a while and you'll develop for sure.

Yeah I 2nd the awesome artwork


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Moriokun wrote:

Can't stop laughing at that song.

Just don't phase invert the left and right channel and you're golden

Super Mario Land (gb) ending theme

One time this happened to me during a show. It was fine in the mains but center channel cancelled out in the monitors. It was maddening, I didn't figure out until later


(80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

akira^8GB wrote:

My FM experiments are just fucking around with settings with no real idea of what I am doing.

I'm pretty sure that's how you're supposed to use FM smile


(80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Here's an old video Virt did, very basic


it's true, I haven't been to mag. my "it's not even a competition" comment wasn't directed at mag though...

it was directed at everything that exists in this universe

sick save bro heart

blip tokyo got hip tanaka, magfest got nobuo uematsu.  Even though across my various bands I'm pretty sure I play most of Hip Tanaka's catalog, I gotta go with Uematsu. 

"3 channo, very difficul" - Uematsu when I asked him about composing for the NES.

because both of the people who have replied have actually been to MAGfest big_smile

Blip could be cheaper for you if you do it right, stay with people who let you crash etc.  MAGfest is in an expensive hotel, you gotta find rooms to split with people.  If you're into VGbands, it's fucking fantastic.  Chip stuff is awesome there, but not a main focus.


(5 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
