I think the wording on the page is slightly bigging up the charity aspect - a 20% donation is made to the charity if you tick the right box before you pay. It doesn't say where the other 80% is going towards - does it go to Cheapbeats? Does it go to Groupees? Do the artists involved get an equal share? Will it go towards more shows in Japan etc? Some more transparency wouldn't go amiss!
162 Nov 2, 2014 12:58 am
Re: Thanksgiving Awareness Thread (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm thankful that we let you guys win your independence back in the day.
163 Nov 1, 2014 9:50 am
Re: http://hdmiboy.com/playhdmiboy/ (17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
164 Nov 1, 2014 9:47 am
Re: Suggestions for journalistic feature articles? (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
8 Bitches: How Much Hot Groupie Action Do Chiptune Artists Get?
165 Nov 1, 2014 9:18 am
Re: BRK BRK BRK BRK T-Shirts - the ReBRKening. (13 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'm back from my Holiday now, so y'all crazy peeps can order BRK t-shirts and I'll get them shipped out ASAP!
166 Nov 1, 2014 9:16 am
Re: Wanted: UK Gameboy Modder (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
My boy JoeTeach (aka JoeBleeps) does absolutely fantastic mods, I've bought from him before and I'm really pleased with the purchase!
I'm not sure if he has a shop site, but he's easy enough to get in touch with on insta/twitter!
167 Nov 1, 2014 12:29 am
Re: State of J. Arthur Keenes (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
http://thejarthurkeenesband.bandcamp.com/music You can also visit this for your JAK-related needs.
168 Oct 29, 2014 2:03 pm
Re: smart watch chiptune (43 replies, posted in General Discussion)
An app to track my watch after it goes up your mum.
169 Oct 28, 2014 11:48 am
Topic: Sk8bit - Eighties Mix (0 replies, posted in Releases)
https://www.facebook.com/Sk8bit (Add him on Facebook)
Yo check out my boy sk8bit's top mix of original music and remixes - it's only 21 minutes long, and chock full of BANGERZ.
'Losing my religion' (Sk8bit REM remix)
'The day-to-day life' (from forthcoming EP)
'The pain of being bored' (original track)
'Stop me if you think you've heard this one before' (Sk8bit Smiths remix)
'Toop toop/Into the groove' (Sk8bit Cassius/Madonna mash up)
'So war's Superbyte' (original track)
For fans of: 1980s, Gunstar Heroes, Thrash, Screamo, Afrotech/Lungu Lungu, BASS, fucken fat kicks.
170 Oct 27, 2014 10:36 am
Re: Chiptune Rap Thread (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
http://calmdownkidder.com/records/releases/cdk056 Steady C - He Started It
http://calmdownkidder.com/records/releases/cdk022 Various Artists - Chip Hop
https://b-type.bandcamp.com/ B-Type (lots of non-chiptune stuff here as well)
171 Oct 26, 2014 8:56 pm
Re: Ultrasyd - The Chipsters EP [BLEEPSTREET] (4 replies, posted in Releases)
172 Oct 26, 2014 8:53 pm
Re: Chaos Tracker (Open Source) (336 replies, posted in Sega)
I've got a PAL Mega Drive + Flash Cart when you need some PAL testing done, hit me up! Nice work so far!
173 Oct 20, 2014 3:09 am
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yo - listen, guys - I got out my house, got on a plane, went to 8static, and had a fucking blast hanging out with rad people and listening to rad music.
Do that.
174 Oct 17, 2014 5:44 pm
Re: If you were stuck for eternity with 1 chiptune song, what would it be? (93 replies, posted in General Discussion)
That joke wasn't funny when Saskrotch made it a few pages back.
175 Oct 17, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: Current state of online chip music scene? (149 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Also It seems that since blip fest ended new big chip festivals have been very successful.
2/10 got me to respond.