Hoping me and the Superbyte crew are going to be a more than suitable replacement for Blip Festival - Get saving your money! Manchester is good, plus even better, it's right next to Liverpool!


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Basically what the title said. I've used noise kicks and snares on some tracks, and now they sound all wussy, and not all super manly like they originally were. Is there anyway I can restore the rugged manliness of my top kicks?

Instrument for kicks is

Env: A8
Output LR
Length UNLIM
Shape FF

Automate OFF



(then a K command later on)


(28 replies, posted in Releases)

I listened - it was good, I liked it.


(14 replies, posted in Past Events)

If there's a future webshow happening, I'd be down like Charlie Brown, y'all. Especially if it's in GMT-realistic timeframes!


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Why is he called MCFacepalm? He isn't even Scottish.


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So I guess I need a Game Boy d00d to be my tag team partner - WHO'S IN?


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd do a Fatal Four-Way vinyl split, but the songs have to be about pro-wrestling, and the artwork is a faux-Pay Per View event poster. WHO'S IN?


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

or "vinals".


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL … utXaHS5-nt Here's a playlist of FULL Live sets at ChipFest, if you wish to see Cerebral Scars, Stevens, The Tin Foil Hat Brigade, Organ Freeman, Cheapshot and 4mat, then click on that link AW YEAH SON GET IT GET IT.

Yeah, battery died towards the end D:

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL … utXaHS5-nt Here's a playlist of the FULL live sets I recorded at ChipFest 7, Sorry for the bump, I figured this was better than making a new topic or whatever. Also, this can be moved to "Past Shows", heh.

Also, I have some spare ChipFest 7 posters, so if you want one, message me and I'll send you one for free - all you have to do is pay for P&P!


(152 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dr Treble wrote:

I had no idea Kotaku community would be this lame.

Check out this guy, not realising anyone who regularly reads anything on the Gawker network is a complete and utter tosser.


(152 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Did Ryder Ripps of dump.fm license this photo for Anamanaguchi? http://armanipradagucci.com/post/880479 … chi-com-my

bryface wrote:

good to hear you guys are pushing out some more music, looking forward to it!

but while you're here, may i make a suggestion to tone down the heavy-handed exclamations, asterisks, shouting, tired memephrases, bluster and general noise?  i'm sorry but every time i read anything promoted by you, good lord, it's like i want to dive headfirst into a wall of nails.  i can't be the only one who feels this way.

it's a shame because the compilations are otherwise pretty good (it's shocking how many people were involved) and deserve more attention, but that potential is sabotaged by the immature presentation in my opinion.

i'm not saying to rid your language of the passion that you clearly have (which is great) but as a favour to the general public, try cutting down on the gimmicky brotalk at least a LITTLE bit, come on!

Don't say that, last time someone had the gall to give them constructive criticism, they got absolutely slated on facebook.

(inb4 they class this as 'hating' and start saying 'H8RZ GON H8 LEL!!111')


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)