(4 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

http://calmdownkidder.com/records/header-images ?? heart

fuckin Xinon, damn

wedanced wrote:

internet. thats where the rest of us get ours. we also like to google search too.

People searching on the internet for midiNES would find the wayfar shop still selling them for sale, sometimes it's best to ask first!


(64 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I first I was like lol, then I serious`d.


(11 replies, posted in Past Events)


Can this cart come out soon plz? I want to buy a non-drag n derp USB cart, and it will be heaps cheaper once this bad boy comes out!


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Fucking sick videos man, Ewan you're truly a TopLAD for recording all this - really good quality recordings & videos - top notch!

Thanks for coming to Liverpool for the show, you crazy mofo! big_smile

Everybody was on top form, crowd (yeah, a crowd) went nuts, A++ would do again!

Videos soon - if anyone took any photos, let us know!


SEE Y'ALL @ 8:30pm! big_smile


BSK! BSK! BSK! Whilst he and pal Maru are over in the UK, Bokusatsu Shoujo Koubou has unleashed his Uma Kill Fancy Resistance towards CDKr, and I can only but accept! Six tracks of astonishing Game Boy prowess are yours to behold if you download this album, but be warned – exposure to music this good can only be amazing for your health! If you like your music like your like your coffee, dark yet occasionally sugary at the same time, this might just be your new favourite album.

Oh hai sup - would it be a weekend?


This Saturday, y'all!


(24 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(97 replies, posted in Past Events)

but they all look rubbish, and the beer is cheap here


(97 replies, posted in Past Events)

I'm in Edinburgh - but the thing I wanted to see is sold out, and all the other early shows look shite - so I'm sulking in the hostel getting drunk.