I'm done writing music for a while for a number of personal reasons
(I wasn't saying boo-urns)
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by calmdownkidder
I'm done writing music for a while for a number of personal reasons
(I wasn't saying boo-urns)
It's because he dubsteps his tunes really well.
cause like what's BRK in spanish?
BRK is universal, baby.
http://www.myspace.com/ipkrach Irrlicht Project might be your man to speak to - also, speak to gwEm - he seems to play Germany quite often!
I fixed the problem
No you didn't
EDIT: And Syphus, too.
Syphus posts a lot on facebook/twitter, he's fine
The sound of music
Nanogrrrl nevar 4get
The "label" part on the Musician table doesn't appear to be compatible with multiple labels - and most chipmusicians have released on various netlabels :\
Note - the label table (derp) doesn't seem to have the last.fm/8bc etc support the artist page has
Can users upload artwork themselves?
Also - could there be a "label" table (lol poetry) similar to the artist table?
Founded by
Release Format: (as in, mp3, zip, CD, mini-CD, vinyl etc)
I've started to add a few categories - bitches love categories.
because non-chip sux m8
MYSTERY GIFT CLUE: 32, 16 and 4. They're all interconnected in some way
They're all numbers!
Here's a chipmusic memory - remember that time?
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by calmdownkidder