Jellica is a massive liar, his music seems to attract dickheads to the stage


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

CDKr prides itself on the finest Czcehoslovakian-style washboard folk music chipmusic, I'll have you shower of shites know.

"It's not music, and it's not funny" 30/05/2008 nevar 4get

ovenrake wrote:

you're so modest, you won't even mention your hilarious thread creation workshop?

Sadly they rejected it, but I am doing a chipmusic stand up set as part of Blip.

"Pro sound mod? What's the deal with those? Hello, is this thing on?"


(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

1. Write a 30 second piece of music
2. stretch it
3. ???
4. Become Boards of Canada
5. Profit

I probably shouldn't leak this, but y'know...

Blip Festival 2011 Workshops:

Make yourself a MIDI Controller w/little-scale
Australia's finest, little-scale will show you how to literally turn yourself into a MIDI controller, with the help of some light surgery and an Arduino circuit board. He's a doctor now, so you can trust him.
$75, approx 3 hours - includes anaesthetic

Databends with Nullsleep
Armed with only a cracked copy of photoshop and a legit copy of Audacity, Nullsleep will show you how to make 'dark/edgy' press photos that will sure to look unique!
$666, approx 2 hours - bring your own laptop/pictures

The Sabrepulse Tutorial: Live! Featuring Sabrepulse
The world famous tutorial that launched 1,000 versions of the same song, Sabrepulse now will go through the tutorial in person, and coincidentally after this course is the Blip Fesitval Open Mic, so everyone can hear the same song a few times in a row!
$50, approx 2 hours - LSDJ/Game Boy not included


(105 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sycamore Drive wrote:
nickmaynard wrote:

was information chase ever on vinyl?

No, but Reformat The Planet is on this. … ase/800512 aww yeah


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tldr! Split your posts into paragraphs, Downstate - jeez


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

inb4 4mat

AdamGetsAwesome wrote:

I have complete faith in the promoters. There were 0 disappointments in 2009 (or at least none that I remember). Party on dudes, can't wait for Blip Week.

It was disappointing that we didn't make out sad

Hot sexy new addition - an-cat-max is playing Edinburgh! Aww snap son!

DaPantz wrote:

heart you, calm down

Aww, you're not so bad yourself! :3

RG wrote:

Your avatar is pretentious.

ur face is pretentious olololololol

also - reply to my pm, you slapper

HARD CHIPS 3 - The Tin Foil Hat Brigade, Comptroller, Bit Face, readysetgo, Wolves That Byte
Tunnels, Aberdeen
17 March · 20:00 - 23:00!/event.php?ei … 9798074129

The Tin Foil Hat Brigade, Comptroller, Edward Shallow, Enfant Bastard, An-cat-max
The Forest, Edinburgh
18 March · 20:00 - 23:00

(Some arty wank description about the utilisation of what should be defunct gaming equipment to create some sik club bangaz m8 maybe some databent press photos to be propa legit)

r u psyched? would love to see y'all come party w/us!

Would 20 people be a possibilty?

Let's discuss cheap flights/cool hostels/house shares yo!

I've looked for 16/05/2011 - 23/05/2011 - but if you can find any cheaper flights, let us know!
Manchester to NYC - (no stops) £460
Manchester to NYC (one stop, via Dublin) - £431

Good sites for flights