(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Wow!  I really like the art style.  It looks like it has an almost painting or hand-made like feel.  Or something.

Is that a robot?!?

Let me know if you need an alpha tester!

Not all of you, but there's definitely a lot of negativity on this site.

[edit: I do want to note that I like this site and there are a lot of nice people here, but some threads really... go downhill.]

Have you tried using other gameboys?  I have two.  One sounds pretty terrible--the wave channel sounds awful, samples are unrecognizable, and there's a lot of noise overall.  The other sounds pretty nice to me, not too much noise, wave and samples sound pretty good.  Neither is pro-sounded.  It could be an extra noisy DMG.


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

Both comps will start again this coming monday.  BE PREARED.

Sorry I've been slacking a bit...game development is going GREAT though.  I'll let you guys know when I set up screenshots/video/website.  It's going to knock your socks off!

Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!  Teaser screenshots!


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Kommisar wrote:

the theme just isn't popular, no matter how you try to describe writing in reverse

I don't really follow song structures anyway.  I just let the song go where it wants, so this challenge was almost too abstract for me.  I thought about it, but couldn't muster up any inspiration.  This was less of a technical challenge to me and more like a academic one or something, haha.  Like, "figure out what conventional structure to follow and do it backwards."

Plus, I was on a farm all weekend away from my computer...

I am still interested in future challenges, though.  I definitely like the ones that impose technical constraints though (like the only 16th note challenge).

Well, on both tunes I kept waiting for a bass line to come in.  So a bass might be nice.  But, hey, I play bass so I'm always waiting for the bass line.

Wait, no one has mentioned Rainbowdragoneyes.  The Primordial Booze is mind blowing.


(19 replies, posted in Audio Production)

An easy thing to do if you have a bunch of finished, mixed down tracks (say for an EP or something) is to import all the tracks into your DAW in one project/file/whatever so you can listen to them all side-by-side and even out the volume between them by ear.

This Archers of Loaf cover


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Temple of Doom?


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

I would combine them into just one thread.  It would be easier to find and contribute to.

Well, I was thinking if a bunch of people contributed to a kick drum thread, it could get pretty big by itself, and WAV basses and leads is a pretty broad topic.  Since the LSDJ patch book site died long ago, it would be cool if there were at least threads people could go to for patches.  You know, need a drum?  Go to the drum thread.  Need to know how to do a super saw-type bass?  Go to the bass thread.

But I'm just going to wait and see how the kick drum thread goes.  Everyone is nice here in the collaborations threads, but out there on the other boards... We'll see.  wink


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Hey guys, I created an LSDJ Kick thread in the Nintendo Handhelds section so we don't muck up the Challenge thread. 

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4526/ … ck-thread/

I'm going to make a separate one for WAV basses and leads.  It would be cool if everyone contributed.  Then 8-Bit-Rex can take the tastiest patches and compile them on his blog for LSDJ justice.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

We were discussing WAV kicks in the weekly challenge thread and everyone seemed to have a different method for creating their kickin' kicks, so I thought it might be nice to have a thread devoted to the topic, especially since I guess the LSDJ patch book is never coming back.

I was thinking it would be cool if people not only shared their kick patch, but some reasoning behind the programming that might be instructive to others.

I'll start.  This is a kick I've begun using recently:

The instrument is set to manual and I usually use it around C6 My reasoning for starting out with a slower P command was to give the initial attack more of a ”thud” to make it less like a hardcore kinda dance kick. Since the volume is low, you have to keep the channels all under 7 (my leads are usually like 50s or 60s) or the kick gets overwhelmed.  It's not a super aggressive kick, but it has some thump.


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Thanks for the videos!  As someone still learning in-depth tricks, this was very informative.  I used to go to the patchbook for tips, but these videos are great.


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Frostbyte wrote:

I can never make anything good with my own waveforms, I'm not sure how that works exactly hahahaha.

roboctopus: I found the general technique in a youtube video, then I messed with it a bit to give it more punch...I'll post how I do it soon haha.

And thanks for those noise kicks, I'm gonna check them out right now!

My waveform drawing successes have been limited to drawing better saw waves (easy) and drawing out, frame by frame, a pulse-width modulated square wave (tedious but worth it for PWM!)

We should start a thread in tutorials to trade WAV channel tricks.


(204 replies, posted in Collaborations)

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

Pro tip:  Mess around with the waveform directly (select + up on the synth screen or some shit).  If you've never done it before, you'll thank me.

I draw my own waveforms for bass pretty often, but I haven't tried it for kicks.  Hmmm...