it's sad that assuming someone isn't going to steal your stuff makes you a full blown dumbass
what a sad story!
i really hope you get your stuff back
or hunterzille gets punished
sorry is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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it's sad that assuming someone isn't going to steal your stuff makes you a full blown dumbass
what a sad story!
i really hope you get your stuff back
or hunterzille gets punished
if you have a tap file you can convert it to wav, and then play it in some audio playing software and with a cable (normal audio cable) going into the spectrum (to simulate a tape drive)
and use audio recording software like audacity to record wavs out of the spectrum too
this is kind of painful process but it works and no expensive hardware or floopy disc needed
i took my watch off a few hours ago and now i can't find it
it's one of those casio digital ones
my father got it for me because it reminded him of goto80 apparently (yes ! what a hip father)
awesome ! keep it up
thanks ! i told my freinds
if you are getting a spectrum, don't get one with an integrated tape drive
you can easily connect it to the PC if it doesn't have one
the 128k might be your best bet
see you later then !
well, if you use the IRC (internet relay chat) there are plenty of us in #chipmusic at!
sorry i don't have a deviantart account
O MY WORD! a zanzan CD ! *Blort Blort*
/me gets !
everyone get!
i'll chek it out
oh, ANT1 might be one
<ant2>i'll make a thread "Out of the ordinary module musicians" maybe
<fourmat>maybe you should call it 'avant garde module musicians'
let's go!
no 047 047 047 047 037 037 037 037 047 047 047 047 047 047 047 047 please
this is NOT just a "your favourite module musicians". it's not automatically "avant garde" just because you think it's good
now i really don't know ANY here so someone else will have to get us started
thanks guys xxx
ah it souds good from the previews.. shame i do not buy downloadmusic... do a CD??
i managed to update the software using the usb adaptor (i'm a champ! i'm a champ!)
and now i am Nanoloopin - RAD!
the software is real hard to understand but if i rtfm enough.....
yeah mmm, great interview.!
Keep it Up
chantel goret amazing
thanxXxXx for that one !!!!!!!
will try too get round to checking out ALL the suggestions in this thread
to all of you / Forums / Posts by ant1