50 Oct 4, 2014 11:34 am
Re: HEEBIE-GBs - Now Available for Pre-Order (36 replies, posted in Collaborations)
Emailed; I need in on this.
51 Oct 2, 2014 9:42 pm
Re: Any songs in 3/4, 6/8, 5/4, or 5/8? (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I tried to make an LSDj track in 5/4 a few years ago, here it is: http://chipmusic.org/evil+scientist/music/ouch-5-4
52 Sep 10, 2014 9:23 pm
Re: UK chipmusic online shop - is there a demand for one? (10 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Personally I like modding things myself, I find it to be a really fun satisfying part of chipmusic. I used to mod Game Boys to sell on ebay but there doesn't seem to be so much of a demand for it nor does it seem to be that easy to get unmodded GBs on ebay at a decent price any more.
And as far as parts go, i'm happy enough ordering anything I need from Kitsch, i'd never buy individual parts from someone that had just ordered a load from Kitsch, it annoys me when you see things out of stock on Kitsch-bent because someone's selling them for an inflated price on ebay UK.
But if you find a way to offer something unique then i'd say go for it.
Good luck anyways!
53 Sep 3, 2014 7:39 pm
Re: (BRISTOL, UK) 4th Sept Hexadeci + 2G1B + Spazrammer + Tommy Creep + Ol (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
Just a reminder, this is tomorrow! Free entry, walking distance from train station...
54 Aug 21, 2014 5:53 pm
Re: (BRISTOL, UK) 4th Sept Hexadeci + 2G1B + Spazrammer + Tommy Creep + Ol (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
55 Jul 26, 2014 1:45 pm
Re: How can I remove paint from my DMG? (3 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
I second that, double-side tape is the best. Don't glue it!
56 Jun 24, 2014 12:46 pm
Re: FS: 2 Backlit Clear DMGs £55 each including shipping UK (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Price dropped to £55 each
57 Jun 23, 2014 1:56 pm
Topic: FS: 2 Backlit Clear DMGs £55 each including shipping UK (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
£55 each including shipping within the UK, outside of UK would be about £9 shipping or £12 for tracked shipping
Clear DMG:
-Inverted yellow 4 x LED backlight
-Light purple buttons (including purple link port cover)
-Internal prosound
-Part of the tab on the battery cover has broken off but it still stays in (see second pic).
-Text has been removed on the shell.
-Could maybe do with a new screen cover as there's a slight mark on it (see pics).
Clear DMG:
-Inverted yellow 4 x LED backlight
-Pink buttons (including pink link port cover)
-Internal prosound
-Grey dpad rubber
-Grey battery cover
58 Jun 21, 2014 12:51 pm
Re: (BRISTOL, UK) 4th Sept Hexadeci + 2G1B + Spazrammer + Tommy Creep + Ol (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
Thanks, I think the second one looks much better too, but the first one is brighter, so maybe more eye-catching, guess i'll probably go with the second though.
60 Jun 20, 2014 11:54 am
Re: (BRISTOL, UK) 4th Sept Hexadeci + 2G1B + Spazrammer + Tommy Creep + Ol (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
61 Jun 13, 2014 11:17 am
Re: (BRISTOL, UK) 4th Sept Hexadeci + 2G1B + Spazrammer + Tommy Creep + Ol (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
Going to be an awesome night! Hexadeci hasn't played live for a couple of years, nor has Spazrammer, who used to run the crazy micro-rave events, and 2G1B coming over from Madrid!
62 Jun 12, 2014 6:22 pm
Topic: (BRISTOL, UK) 4th Sept Hexadeci + 2G1B + Spazrammer + Tommy Creep + Ol (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/670037096404339/
****FREE ENTRY****
HEXADECI comes armed with an AMIGA A1200 plus various other midi devices; his heavy, fast, bitcrushed and distorted style will have you raving like theres no tomorrow!
2G1B - TWO GAMES ONE BOY comes all the way from Madrid, bringing nothing with him except Two Game Boys, dance and break rhythms, bittersweet melodies, acid-fat-basses and too much head banging!
Run humans! Micro-Rave's SPAZRAMMER sequences live on a 1990s Gameboy using Nanoloop to control the audiences brainwaves!
Fresh from the morgue, TOMMY CREEP comes armed only with two Nintendo Game Boys creating a bloodbath of ghoulish 8-bit bass music! Eerie-theremin leads and lo-fi screams lurk between monster basses and voodoo drums!
OLIVE- sent from a dark galaxy on a mission of electronic musical madness using such mystical space weapons such as the Nintendo DS!
7-9 St Nicholas Street, BS1 1UE Bristol, United Kingdom
63 May 23, 2014 4:53 pm
Re: (Bristol, UK) 22nd May Tommy Creep + Alone + The VIRUS Empire + J3wel (10 replies, posted in Past Events)
The gig went great, there are some photos and videos here: https://www.facebook.com/8bitbristol
Will hopefully put on another in a few months time. The artists were all awesome and it was cool to meet Hexadeci and Spazrammer.
64 May 22, 2014 1:46 pm
Re: (Bristol, UK) 22nd May Tommy Creep + Alone + The VIRUS Empire + J3wel (10 replies, posted in Past Events)
This is tonight, going to be awesome! Anyone local should come along!