Boddah wrote:

These look extremely nice! Reminds me of the pure silver and gold button sets that some dude was trying to sell here years ago, except these buttons are actually practical and reasonably priced. I'm definitely interested in buying some of these!

Was it that guy that was trying to sell "near" pure silver buttons?

RJL wrote:

Will that one work with Windows 8?

This question is akin to asking will a USB flash drive work with Windows 8.

This post is sexual and violent. So good.

Pardon me for incorrect terms, but load and erase the flash and ram multiple times to clear it out and see if that helps.


(97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Made this a few weeks ago.

If the voltage regulator is getting hot in the lower corner of the DMG and you wired everything correctly, it can be the voltage regulator going bad. Solder it out and solder in a replacement.

The article is using a potentiometer as a volume control knob, but it is the same principle for your varia suit mod.

The varia suit mod acts as a variable potentiometer cutting back or freeing voltage to make the screen dimmer or brighter.

Use a multimeter to check for resistance between two pins at a time on the potentiometer to check which pins to wire.


(5 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

Cut the lower middle section between the plastic legs of the LCD frame in order remove the frame from the front PCB. You should remove that section anyway if you are installing any backlight kit.

Def sounds like you wired something incorrectly.

Or you're grounding out hardcore yo.

Replace the volume control knob unit on the pcb.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I am in Taiwan. I could contact Zerey.

Rip open the foil tape and find out.

Something about silicone...

I believe the front light panels that Kitsch sources use SMD LEDs.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Are you talking about the Zerey Zhang kits for the Original GBA?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dire Hit wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

OP, did you check out NeX's RGB boy with bluetooth prosound? He did the mod many years ago.

He did every mod on that thing. It's a miracle the screws could keep it closed.

It's like the swiss army knife of modded gameboys.