(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thank you!


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

The altane isn't a cartridge.


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

My smartboy cart works well, but I suggest picking up an EMS USB cart from kitsch.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thursdaycustoms wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Teensyboy housed inside a SparkFun project case.

Ahh! I was wondering why you were using such large perf board. Nice!

Through hole components until I can get myself a reflow station and familiarity with EAGLE.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Links aren't working...


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Make LSDJx1 songs until you save up enough cash for a 2-channel/4-channel mixer.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

friendofmegaman wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Just wire up the MGB LCD onto the front board of a DMG.

I think he explained that he wants more space for mods didn't he?

If it wasn't for the space then I'd totally agree. IMO wiring LCD is easier than the cartridge slot.

With a DMG case, you can still cram a ton of mods into it with the DMG PCBs and a Pocket LCD Screen.

Is he trying to stuff an iPad inside of it?


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just wire up the MGB LCD onto the front board of a DMG.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Teensyboy housed inside a SparkFun project case.

Babel wrote:

OOOOh that was the tutorial i was searching for so long !

my GBC is a CPU-04 too and, tutorials i've found before were different (cpu 01/03 but no 04) and i had difficulties to find out wich mod to do !
I luv u ^^ Big Huge Thanx !!

PS : i'm french excuse myself if i make language mistakes !

You are very welcome! Your English is good!

herr_prof wrote:

Is there any before after audio comparisons?

I had SpaceTownSavior run Ableton's spectrum analyzer with a Prosound RCA GBC and a Bass Mod RCA GBC. We looped a chain in the WAV channel and compared the two GBCs side by side.

For the particular portion of the chain that we were using for the test:
The Prosound RCA GBC's bass was topping out at -14db.
The Bass Mod RCA GBC's bass was topping out at -2db.

My youtube videos.


(10 replies, posted in Atari)

St, ste, stfm?

Custom sync cable?


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What schematic are you going off of?!

I have prosounded a SGB2. Just follow the same steps as prosounding a SGB[1]. Just make sure you solder the correct capacitors.

ShintarouMusic wrote:

I can't wait to do this! thanks Katsumbhong

This wouldn't get in the way of a frontlight mod at all, would it? I haven't tried either mod yet, so I'm just curious.

As long as you install the mods correctly, there shouldn't be any problems. I currently have a GBC with a front light from a GBA SP AGS-001, with the bass mod as well as the noise filtering mod.