I can do the same, no biggie
401 Jun 28, 2012 1:29 am
Re: Need logo redone (76 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
402 Jun 28, 2012 12:49 am
Re: Need logo redone (76 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
What do you mean by more "official"? What would you want changed?
403 Jun 28, 2012 12:44 am
Re: Have you ever been recognized for your chipmusic? (76 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Check out my sick skillz.
(function() { for (var i = 0; RonPaul.isAlive(); i += 4) { document.write("Ron Paul " + (2012 + i) + "<br>"); } })();
i c wut u did thar
404 Jun 28, 2012 12:40 am
Re: Can I commison someone to make me an LSDSNG (PAID) (75 replies, posted in General Discussion)
lol, yeah yeah yeah.
We should make the emails public. I only sent because he seemed trustworthy and he made it seem like he needed them right then. I'm not being so trustworthy anymore. #misanthropy
405 Jun 28, 2012 12:39 am
Re: Let's talk about dance music (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Come on though, you have to give this more credit than just dancing.
406 Jun 28, 2012 12:03 am
Re: Let's talk about dance music (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Bangarang was...I dunno. That annoying rapper girl killed it. There wasn't much on there that was good in my opinion. The Scary Monsters EP though is like, one of my all time favorite albums
407 Jun 27, 2012 11:33 pm
Re: Let's talk about dance music (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I listen to dance music but have never been to a party or any dancing event. I listen to EDM because I like the sounds they make, and in some cases, it can be really emotional. Zedd's Spectrum is one of the most emotionally-moving electronic songs I've ever heard, mainly because it came out during a really stressful time for me, but also because it's so musically powerful at points.
This one will totally get haters on my case, but Skrillex's Scary Monsters EP is also pretty emotional to me as well. That one isn't like a "oh look how beautiful and amazing this makes me feel", but more of a "FUCK YEAH SUMMER!" thing because of the times I've spent in the car with my friends, speeding down the road to IHOP blasting it. I have such fond memories listening to this stuff with friends and really just enjoying it for the sounds it makes.
Dunno if that means anything to you guys
408 Jun 27, 2012 11:30 pm
Re: [LSDJ] Reproducing two sounds (31 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Yeah, honestly, I could have made it a lot more in depth (using all the waves available to make a nice, slow modulating one).
Roboctopus does way more PWM than I do, he's the REAL man for the job
409 Jun 27, 2012 11:07 pm
Re: [LSDJ] Reproducing two sounds (31 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Thanks Chips! Just wait until my next two EPs are released, I'm talking like TREYFREY status programming on these things
.exe, F commands manually change the wave that is being used by the instrument. You could change the playback settings in the instrument itself by using pingpong or loop or whatever, but I figured since I'm already using a table for the simulated envelope, I might as well just use F commands to make it modulate the pulse width smoother with the volume decay.
410 Jun 27, 2012 9:22 pm
Re: [LSDJ] Reproducing two sounds (31 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Oh word, thanks man!
411 Jun 27, 2012 9:09 pm
Re: Event needs a brief description of chiptune (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
412 Jun 27, 2012 9:08 pm
Re: [LSDJ] Reproducing two sounds (31 replies, posted in Audio Production)
No problemo! And thanks for all the compliments guys, making me feel good about myself on an off day Oh you.
Anyway, on to the technical side.
So for the WAV channel, I did this by "emulating" PWM. Technically it is PWM, but not as smooth as the 16 bit systems do it or whatever. You go into the wave screen, and manually enter a pulse wave that has a midpoint in the middle of the screen, and draw 2 more waves where the midpoint moves more toward the left. Set the instrument to manual in the instrument screen.
Then in a table put this:
F01 --
-- --
-- E02
F02 --
-- --
-- E01
F03 --
-- E00
H09 H09
Basically what that does is the F commands are telling the instrument to switch waveforms to the number indicated, in this case, shortening the PWM. What the E commands are doing are automating and emulating a lower envelope, so that it has a little bit of a decay in the note.
This one is a little bit simpler and less work, but it might be in the way of some other pulse instruments you have going on (that's why I also made a wav channel one). Make a pulse instrument with an envelope like 77 (that should be sufficient, just make sure the not will release) and make a table for it. The table should look like this:
W commands don't have numbers, but I don't know how to notate it. Use the third wave, then the second one, and then the first one (if you don't understand, I'll try to make a screenshot).
Hope this helps
413 Jun 27, 2012 7:55 pm
Re: Let's talk about dance music (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'll be honest, I'm a dance music fanatic and when I picked up the DS10, it was with the intention of making dance music, not chiptunes.
Now this guy gets it. That's my goal.
414 Jun 27, 2012 7:32 pm
Re: Decktonic - Stars (26 replies, posted in Releases)
415 Jun 27, 2012 7:24 pm
Re: Can I commison someone to make me an LSDSNG (PAID) (75 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm just pissed because this is my only source of income right now because all the local HR offices can't find it in their hearts to call me back regarding an application.
This guy stole my time and effort, I wish there was a way that we could avoid these issues.
416 Jun 27, 2012 4:23 pm
Re: [LSDJ] Reproducing two sounds (31 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Closest I got with like, 5 minutes time. Just "emulated" PWM on wav and pulse channels. If you want the patches, I'll type them up in a little bit.