Looks goofy to me. If you're ever gonna actually DJ something where you'd be willing to spend that much money, you're probably gonna have actual equipment. I've never been in a situation that's like "Oh snap I really wish I had my mixer right now!". Id imagine in a planned gig you'd take the time to take your stuff with you besides a tiny ass mixer and a smartphone.

boaconstructor wrote:
Frostbyte wrote:

Now THAT is something I'd do with a buddy. That's cool.

come to seattle and WE WILL

OMG dude, imagine us playing a show together?


CS wrote:

words and awesome vid

Now THAT is something I'd do with a buddy. That's cool.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Gonna listen when I get home. Excite.


You get a free song if you guess which phone wink

I played trumpet with a band recently and we all wore full suits. Was pretty cool, but not the staple of the show. I think we were all relatively timid on stage when it happened, but the amp sphere of the music called for it and the crowd reacted ye way we wanted them to.


(41 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

8-Bit-Rex wrote:

Ah. I assumed you and Aeros were talking about busking in general.

Oh oh. Nope, I think it's cool if it's received well I guess! I don't think I'd be able to do it, personally just because of the social anxiety involved in it. Maybe I could do it with a guitar, but that's overdone.

And aeros, I was here first wink


(41 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

spacetownsavior wrote:
an0va wrote:

I think a healthy level of selfawareness needs to be practiced when you're taking this stuff to the public. I think within chip (or actually, electronic music overall) it's harder to justify this approach because of the fact that most of the audience doesn't know what you're doing.

Completely agreed. I'm definitely not advocating a crazy, flailing performance. Jumping around and stuff like that almost invites the "all you're doing is hitting buttons" accusation, actually. The thing with public contexts is that you kind of have to be aware of the fact that your presence is either ignored or even unwanted for a lot of people. This means you have to respect the context -- you're ALREADY playing really loud music, jumping around and generally being a jerk isn't going to help any. If, however, you invite the inquisitive people in by letting the music itself do the talking, THEN you can justify why your performance is cool by telling them the deets on chiptune and stuff.

This is basically what I meant. I mean, I don't wanna say busking is stupid. My "but why" comment was in regards to going balls to the wall when it's like nobody around cares.

I guess I'm just more of a timid person when I perform. I mean, I would just feel odd dancing like crazy unless there's enough social energy to really justify it. Call me a social leech if you want, but that's just how I feel comfortable with those things. I'm not the first one to dance, ever. Not at an indie gig or a party or anything.

Speaking of ATDI, would just like to say I want them to make a new record with Cedric.


(41 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

It just looks quite silly, in my opinion.


(41 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

but why

But if you're making two layers out of it, wounding the spacing between letters for the white layer have to be bigger so the stuff actually fits in the black text?


(33 replies, posted in Releases)

Dude this is really sick haha.


(33 replies, posted in Releases)

Victory Road wrote:

oof, right in the feels

Lol that sucks dude sad

Btw has anyone ever tell'd you that you are good?


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

So. Much. Swag.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Lolololol frostbytefest2012.

Great work Vince!

Hahahahaha the BRK one is awesome!!!

And for the record, I'm gonna put a DMG in like, a secure deposit box so I know I'll always have at the very least one haha