Slightly off-topic, I'm thinking of making a series of in-depth pixel art tutorials.
I'm looking for suggestions on the topics covered, so hit me up with your ideas, pretty please!
chipmusic.org is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by iLKke
Slightly off-topic, I'm thinking of making a series of in-depth pixel art tutorials.
I'm looking for suggestions on the topics covered, so hit me up with your ideas, pretty please!
Why can't I see the hedgehog?
super solid release! when the single-channel staccato volumeslided chords came in during "Broken Song" i woke up in 1992 and decided to live there for three years.
oh hey i wanted to ask, i think i remember you writing an article/blog a few years back about emulating PWM pulse waves in protracker, but i can't for the life of me locate it. is my memory faulty or did you in fact write it and then delete it later on or something?
Yeah there used to be a blog.
The most common trick on Amiga was to have several tiny loops of different PW and then just swap samples on the fly while the melody is playing.
You need protracker2.x for this as pt3 sucks balls and sadly PC trackers built upon pt3 replay-routine assuming it was most advanced. In pt3 if you swap the samplenumber on the fly it will retrigger.
You can use the same trick to control filter cutoff or pretty much anything, depending on the samples you make.
Also trash80 found a way to do it in Renoise with two triangle waves.
There were also some Fasttracker specific-tricks but I don't remember those.
Is it that time again already? \o/
For me it picks up from song 3 and doesn't let go till the end. Really love this one.
Also, I see what you did there with the title, heh-heh
I thought this thread was for showing off our own works.
It is
all datas on one screen? it looks like protracker but sideways
)) cool tracker
Sideways, what?
Only the sequence is horizontal.
I do like the logo, but the odd thing is that the light is coming from below on the letters, and from above on the bg?
LOL Amiga palette!
Amiga500 had 4096 colours to choose from, it wasn't limited to those arbitrary 32 colours.
Anyway lots of palettes here:
Phew, you almost had to go to ebay and type "commodore 64"
Wiimote or bust!
What we need is to port a dpad-driven interface to a touchscreen
The North Pole is a cold time
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by iLKke