(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(383 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Stay on topic, guys

Let's be serious for a moment!
Pulse width * wave length = 1 square chip

So, how much chip do I get for 3 money?

And what is your chip to blip ratio? Standard, or diminished?

akira^8GB wrote:
iLKke wrote:

And who is it targetting exactly?

Nostalgic retards with a ridiculous attachment to a brand.

How old are they (we) now?
And is a gaming-oriented mac-mini lookalike the right product for that audience?


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OK, so nothing is lost, thread closed?

Overkill CPU and weak GPU = gaming machine? And who is it targetting exactly?



(13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

4mat, what kind of environment are you using for your c64 codings? Coupled with what emu, etc?

SKGB wrote:

Shoulda just killed some rats and recorded it

Fuck yeah, I ain't doing no digital chiptuning no more, it's not 'cool' anymore since everyone does it nowadays. Analog all the way baby!

Seriously tho, the stupidest brainfart I've ever heard was when they were filming that gamer shit show at blip aus:
"And remember, it's not about the music - it's about the attitude"


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:
iLKke wrote:

Akira, your new avatar reminded me of that promised screenie of your PT2.3

Yep, I didn't take it. Sorry!
Granted, I don't use this red nonsense, it would kill my eyes! This was just fabricated for the avatar tongue
I also remembered that I wanted to hack the graphics with PTPrefs and I never ended up finishing that...

PTPrefs is a very dodgy piece of software. I remember figuring out how to make it work but it just doesn't cut it. You can hack the main 'mask' of the program but after clicking buttons/opening&closing menus, etc, it will restore default bits of the mask.

You still have to take that screenie, tho big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Don't you mean LSDJ?

ilkae wrote:

Here's some of the .XM files from MD's album 'Between Gaps" (merck008 / 2001)

Jaakko posted them online a few weeks ago with relatively minor fanfare.
There's a few gems in there which didn't get pressed on the CD.

\o/ Cheers for this, ilkae! I only had 'ox king size bull' before.

edit: duhh twitter


Riiiiise from the dead! o/

m-d, THE master of xm

And now for some intro modules, as there's no fun in making your music in over 40kb ;D
There's a zillion of excellent chip modules out there, so here's a small selection of less typical intro scores:



61kb, bad muffler!

22kb, now that's more like it big_smile


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

btw how do I make sex?


(62 replies, posted in Releases)

I always thought mp3 was lame for not having loop points