Raise the dead! I'll be taking a challenge.
577 Jul 5, 2010 10:01 am
Re: 48hr pixel art challenge: ilkke's turn! (469 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
578 Jul 5, 2010 9:57 am
Re: How did you get your name? (141 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Back in the day most ppl on the scene had pretentious names like Obliterator and Suffocator and such, so a friend and I decided to pick the silliest nicknames we could come up with based on our real names. My name is ilija, hence iLKke (seemed silly at the time, we were pretty high). Double K is a nod to Finland, THE demoscene country.
Capitalization is to differentiate I from l
579 Jul 5, 2010 9:44 am
Re: Klystrack -- "chiptracking for your netbook" :) (664 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Ahhh, found it:
"ALT+insert/delete change pattern length "
580 Jul 5, 2010 9:29 am
Re: Klystrack -- "chiptracking for your netbook" :) (664 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
I've been trying it out lately. Perhaps someone with a bit more experience with it can help me out...
-Can you UNDO and REDO?
-Is there another method to set pattern length apart from using the menu to multiply by x2,x3,x1/3,x1/2. I've been trying to halve it until I get to 2 steps and then use a combo of multipliers to get it close to what I want but this is just silly, especially since there are no keyboard shortcuts for this.
581 Jul 3, 2010 9:12 am
Re: Grafx2 : Cross platform Dpaint inspired Bitmap editor (12 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
Battle Lava wrote:I dl'ed the osx snow leopard build but it wouldn't open....
The OSX version is the buggiest shit ever. I had to crawl the web to find a working version.
I have it somewhere if you have patience otherwise search for 'grafx2 osx leopard problems' until you land with the version that works in your machine. It's NOT the latest version though, so NO LAYERS and NO SHORTCUT REMAPPING ;(
Layers are a fairly new feature, but shortcut remapping's been in there since like ages (before I even got involved with GraFX2). Not sure why they would be missing from the stable OSX build. But yeah, OSX seems to be a real bitch, each update needs to have it's own version of the program, and it's pretty hard to compile it yourself, etc.
582 Jan 26, 2010 11:02 am
Re: A list of trackers by platform (13 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
583 Jan 26, 2010 9:06 am
Re: (Melb/Aust) 24/1. All Ages. Soundbytes: M-.-n w/ stellar local lineup! (48 replies, posted in Past Events)
584 Jan 21, 2010 3:54 pm
Re: A list of trackers by platform (13 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
None of you use this site?
It used to have a visual screenshots but it looks like it's been lost/changed.Edit: If you click the platform you want to use it shows screenshots.
Ah yes forgot about that one. Thanks!
585 Jan 20, 2010 10:07 pm
Re: M4G Tracker -- GBA tracker by Smiker (and iLKke) (484 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
akira^8GB, transpose in arranger is a solid idea and it will probably feature in the dedicated arranger screen. In the tracker screen it would double the arranger's space and I don't think it is a good tradeoff. Perhaps transpose could be visible/editable when you have a position in the arranger selected. Guess it's best to wait until we have the basic blocks rock solid, since more ideas are bound to come in the meantime. Thank you for your feedback so far, keep it coming!
About the rest...
First of all, yes the font will be changed, you can see that it's different in the mockups. In fact, the font is already in the new tileset, but I am waiting until more stuff is final so smiker doesn't have to remap tile usage every time I decide to change the order of tiles.
Skipping to next/prev track is also planned (L, R comes to mind). The same keys would be used to jump between 'boxes' in the instrument screen. I hope to eliminate 'cursor-crawling' as much as possible.
I was planning to let smiker make a 'usable' beta so that all the keyboard shortcuts can be tested. I've given this topic a lot of consideration, and although I have come with several ideas for a control scheme (not at all hard given GBA's plethora of buttons), I think that perhaps it would be most practical to keep it as close to LSDJ and take it from there. Most people are already used to that scheme, but I think that certain things can be vastly improved, for example copy/paste. On the other hand, it would be silly not to use the GBA button layout to the max, so I'm thinking of maybe being able to switch from 'LSDJ' (legacy) controls to 'M4G' controls. There are heaps of unexplored possibilities for easy control, such as context-sensitive pop-ups. Anyway, I think it is wise to wait until we can play with most of the features before committing to a control scheme.
Furthermore, unfortunately, I do not yet own a GBA, so I am sitting with my PS2 controller and imagine what it would be like
About VUmeters and such...
Currently we have plenty of screen space to spare. The layout we are going for at the moment uses that space either for eye-candy (VUmeters) or readability.
It is quite easy to imagine that we will need that space in the future for more useful stuff. For me, VUmeters are useful because they provide a visual feedback for the song so you can get around easier. I am not sure what would be the use for a master vumeter, tho? If the VUmeters prove to eat too much CPU, they will be dropped altogether.
In the meantime, it would be nice to hear from you guys if you think that going with a control scheme similar to LSDJ makes sense, or if we should forget about it and focus on what's best for M4G?
586 Jan 20, 2010 5:40 pm
Re: Some pixel artwork (75 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
As requested by Celsius, you can now order prints B-)
Not a bad idea at all! I've been eyeing similar sites for a while now.
I take it this one is pretty good, eh?
587 Jan 19, 2010 8:45 pm
Re: Fish 'N Chiptunes EP (15 replies, posted in Releases)
There was also a long-running chipmusic collection on the Amiga during the nineties called "fish'n'chips".
Funny how everyone seems eager to discuss the name, but so far only one post regarding the music itself...
588 Jan 19, 2010 1:05 am
Re: 1-Minute Songs Compilation - now available (52 replies, posted in Collaborations)
I'm in as well! Made my track tonight, just need to compress it
edit: sent!
589 Jan 17, 2010 9:43 pm
Re: ReVisit (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Even tho I'm not using it I'm really glad that something like this exists. Might prove useful one day. Tracking in Ableton, perhaps?
I understand Chris is fishing for more people to join (for free, of course). Maybe his project funding depends on it.
So, if y'all don't mind an occasional release announcement, feel free to take part in the 'experiment'
590 Jan 17, 2010 7:13 pm
Re: ReVisit (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Looks neat, but doesn't seem to offer much new to Buzz users. MIDI in/out is interesting though, because Buzz' MIDI handling sucks.
What I always missed in Buzz was the ability to see all the tracks at once. But I think you can do that with the newest Buzz builds, right?
591 Jan 17, 2010 6:45 pm
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
592 Jan 17, 2010 10:17 am
Re: TWO FACES - Cover art (5 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
I just LOVE that font but I lost the link to it!
Do you still have it, please?