There isn't a place in the world I'd like to be more. Really miss Berlin and that wild night at Panke!


(76 replies, posted in Releases)


oh wait

The guy above you just said he's going even if he has to sleep with the street bums. How much hype do you want? tongue


(76 replies, posted in Releases)

Fuck. This is so good.


(73 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I want to make a wallpaper in my office with the monomap.png


(19 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Kris k wrote:

Oh hey that's my video smile yeah it is pretty subtle, If anyone comes up with a better way to do this or make it look cooler please post it! That was really just a lazy afternoon experiment tbh.

oh shit, you were more fat back then than when we met in NYC.  big_smile


(19 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

dig it.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Lazerbeat wrote:

The jack placement annoys me so much I'm going to just jam a broken headphone plug in there unless there is reason to use it over av?

I've been using this "solution" for two years. Since yesterday, I threw away my broken phone plug. Seriously guys, OpenDingux ROCKS. As Gamepark devices are being forgotten more and more, Dingoo dev is bursting in flames.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

ryba wrote:
Lazerbeat wrote:

Does opendingux mute the speakers when using the av out for headphones?

I don't think so.
turning speakers off is done mechanically

Nope. I just did it by software.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Is it possible to autoboot into piggy the same as with dingux?

Yeah, Bleo just did that. I'll copy his email to the piggy list:

"So FYI for all you dudes who are using my to boot directly to piggy, just rename the "main" file in
local/sbin/ directory to "frontend_start" and you're ready to rock!"

Lazerbeat wrote:

Does opendingux mute the speakers when using the av out for headphones?

Yes! You can mute Dingoo's speaker inside the OpenDingux mixer! There, you can also set the master volume, mute/unmute the phone/AV out, etc. Really sweet.

Lazerbeat wrote:

Anyone have a link for the memory hack to get up to 512mb ram with the SWAP disk?

I'm looking for that too. I'll ask Analog, I believe he tried it once.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Piggy for opendingux: … dingux.dge

works like a charm. Opendingux boots WAY faster than the old crappy dingux. And piggy now don't have those glitchy characters in the New Song screen anymore. Also, the power button daemon for volume (power button slider up + d-pad up or down = volume up and down) is absolutelly marvelous.


(66 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

walter b. gentle wrote:

maybe they're just bored on the number of threads involving the silliest things about Game Boy here in the forum.

You don't see a "how much time do you spend cleaning your Amiga board?", or "do you take a shit while programming on the zx spectrum sinclair basic?" threads.

i dont disagree. i fully understand and sympathize with them in a way. but come on, how many 17xlsdj and ccmyprosound(dot)org styled jokes are gonna get made by the same group of  people before it gets old. maybe the fact that it annoys me is just a character flaw of mine, but it does.

Yeah, don't sweat it. I agree with Peter, if the joke is funny, that's all right. And I love my 3 DMGs + 1 GBA + 3 LSDJ carts + 1 Nanoloop 1.5 cart + 1 Nanoloop One cart + 1 Nanoloop 2.5 cart myself. smile

I checked this place last year:

I went to Germany and my plan was to make 300 7" copies there, but then I decided to use this money to stay longer there. Martin and the ameise crew are really great. At the time, the mastercut was 200 euro and each copy was 50 cents (that's right!).

EDIT: I found the email they sent me with the prices.

"and for all you punks out there:
the cheapest offer we have is our specialspecialmegaspecial
which is 100 x 7" incl. whitelabel (not printed) and paperbag for 300 EUR!
BUT: playing time is limited to 3mins per side...(yes no joke!)"


(34 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

ant1 wrote:

i have used many other trackers but i could NOT get myself into this one, really! the interface sucks, somehow

which is a shame because nothing else has that "DAW feel". but oh well

I love the renoise interface. For me it's like a "fasttracker II on anphetamines".


(66 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

walter b. gentle wrote:

ant1 and zan-zan dont like gameboys guys. better close this shit down. but before you do . . . i like to tote my stuff in a street fighter IV te fightstick box i have. for some reason i always felt kinda lame carrying stuff in the licensed nintendo bags. to each their own.

edit: and 4mat too. do you guys have a club?

maybe they're just bored on the number of threads involving the silliest things about Game Boy here in the forum.

You don't see a "how much time do you spend cleaning your Amiga board?", or "do you take a shit while programming on the zx spectrum sinclair basic?" threads.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

dingoo 4ever