(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh yesssss! LOVE IT! Chiptune these days seem to be missing that age old popular thing called MELODY. This has it! Keep it up James and I look forward to hearing more.......

Hehe, thanks for making me feel old Yogi!!! wink Yeah I know, I get a tad harsh sometimes  - that's the slightly less mature side of me *grin*

There was a piece on the BBC news a while ago, where they took a C64 in to a school, it was fascinating watching them try to figure out what the cassette recorder was.

As for the midi violin, I hope so but travel costs from the UK are a touch high wink

Victory Road - good call. The original track 7 was indeed a Juno6 - but not on the remix album as I sadly sold it years ago.

I'm waiting for my GenMDM too wink


Thanks for the bump.too Laserbeat. Really pleased that Reawakening has been Rediscovered (lol). I've been rather surprised by the lack of any interest and feedback on this forum considering the roots of the album. Guess most people here don't care any more, and as long as it's written on a Gameboy and sounds like everyone else, that's all cool. What a sorry state the chiptune scene has become. Of course, there will now be a few replies about how great the scene is and how I should be patient and let the music speak for itself, not be judgemental etc, but I've been lurking here too long that I can't miss the sorry teenagers who think they are all that plus more.

No Mortal Combat flavour with CS7. That track was originally an improvisation using a JX3P and Juno6 as I felt the game needed one more track..



Bit late for this one, but join the facebook page and you'll find out about the next one. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/chiptuneswin/

I've got my first chiptune gig for 20 years in September, and I'm performing it on the violin (blending MIDI, generated by the violin, with processed violin sounds), and the set works really well. There's nothing quite like actually performing with an instrument, especially the improvising aspect to it.

and so good it is too smile

1 day to go!


(97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

herr_prof wrote:

I was thinking about this but didnt find a lot of great stuff.

Good conversation:
http://www.fiddleforum.com/fiddleforum/ … xer/32107/

Ha, that's the forum I own and run... chiptune and fiddle are getting closer together big_smile

xylo wrote:

TDK \o/

Correction, one person x

I'll add a + to this too then, publicity is good, especially for an aged chiptune bloke from the 90's that no-one remembers big_smile


n00bstar wrote:
TDK wrote:

The games industry is notorious for it.

Haha yup. Been working in gaming for ~15 years now and it's always the same thing... Company over hires to meet deadlines, then fires more people than it should a month after launch, then rehires too many people again on the next project.

Yeah, I've seen that a lot. "Luckily" my positions have always been long term, however you can't stop studios just going POP either. That's happened 3 times to me sad

EA have just done this. Made a load of people redundant last week, then announced the opening of DICE LA this week with multiple vacancies.

To those who are unemployed at the moment, it sucks I know. Been there a number of times through redundancy. The games industry is notorious for it. The thing you have to do is try not to let it get you down. Something will come up, but likely when you least expect it, so try to make the best use of the time you have at the moment - don't waste it away....

Monotron wrote:

These topics just make me feel bad that I'm 17 an unemployed still.

What I didn't put is that I'm 40.... now that makes me feel quite bad as I am about 17 inside wink

I'm a Sound Designer at Codemasters, working on the DiRT/F1 and GRID games.

I've decided to play my SuperByte set on the violin now. Nothing like 'really' playing, plus improvising will be a heck of a lot easier....