Very good news! I've always wanted to play this game and understand what's going on.

Now if only someone would translate Marvelous: Another Treasure Island on snes for me..

Dire Hit wrote:

korg miku stomp pedal tho

i wanna know what miku sounds like through massive amounts of fuzz.

I definitely feel like a lot of discussion has moved to social media. Even with things such as guitar less people post to guitar forums and more people are talking in facebook groups.

I still check here now and then. Maybe every couple of weeks, but I check various facebook group discussions more than forums. Why? Because it's convenient. It's right in front of me while cm.o and other forums are off in my online peripheral vision.

I'm not a part of any of the chiptune facebook groups anymore though. I tried early on but there's a lot more noise and pointless crap to sift through than on here.

Edzes - Stop The Watch!


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

no last dinosaur smh...

kidding. glad to see these properly released! smile


(26 replies, posted in Collaborations)

guessing this never happened, huh? sad

B for sure. Don't have an NES but would love a new album plus enhancements would be sweet!


(4 replies, posted in Releases)


If you aren't after that tape sound, there are digital recording workstations that work in a similar way to old 4 track tape recorders. I don't know if those have any dsps or anything, it may vary by model.

But that's boring!!! Tape is pretty neat because you can pull off all sorts of weird little tricks with it. Using 4 track recorders for distortion is pretty cool. You should be able to pull off some simple compression on a 4 track.

This is a certified Club Banger™.

Gotta say I'm really impressed with this tracker. Very well done. Slowly learning how to use it with n00bstar's tutorials.

Bit wish wrote:
8BIT KIDD wrote:

the sex yo, the sex

You mean rape.

oh, nice one dude! a rape joke! ha ha.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boomlinde wrote:

Submitted. The real-time aspect of it doesn't seem technically feasible without really long buffers, though.

i was thinking along the same lines. i also submitted.

here's some stuff off the top of my head. i spent a little while writing stuff close to this under haunty. was fun for a while, but ran out of steam.

stop the watch!.xm


(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Not sure if this is still being curated, but I figured I'd post this anyways. Here's some stuff from my own little personal archive that I didn't find in the .zip herr_prof posted. Also threw in my own few .nsf songs.

EDIT: nevermind, i didn't see there was a dropbox link! i grabbed an outdated version lol.

Sorry for necrobumping more thread! :S