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Topics by nerdsome
Posts found: 145-160 of 315
Grymmtymm wrote:what's its condition and does it have stickers? the case?
somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40
It's in pretty decent shape. But what stickers are you referring to? Like the serial number stickers? I remove all stickers from the DMGs I get because I wash the cases in the dishwasher before I mod them and sell them. I haven't washed this case yet but I did remove all stickers.
I have a stock black DMG that I was planning to mod and sell but how much are you looking to spend for a stock one?
ashimoke wrote:...but I guess you are just trolling me anyway.
Even if he is trolling you, you're posting useful information for people like me who don't know anything about electroncis.
Thanks Grymmtymm and xiwi. I'll be ordering some of these then....
Thanks for the arduinoboy xiwi! Haven't had the chance to use it yet though.
Can't wait to see what this sells for. I have 2 I am contemplating selling.
That's good news. I need something this small. I wasn't sure if the "electrical capacity" was important. Looks like I'll be ordering some of these then.
I'm not familiar with electronics and all that. I do mods based on tutorials. Which leads me to a technical question: are these switches safe to use for backlights and for underclocking?
Switches on eBay
I wasn't sure if there is specific specs that switches need to meet before installing in DMGs.
Yea I believe alcohol should work. So no need to start over... As for alcohol dripping on the PCB, don't sweat that. Alcohol evaporates clean and is usually used to clean the PCB. So you should be fine if it happens.
Forgot about the Aquabats! Super show!
And there's a difference between British and US Netflix? That sucks. Wonder why that is.
These are hands down my favorites. I've watched them numerous times.
Trailer Park Boys
Shameless (the British one)
Wow that told for $90?! I will be listing my USB bleepbloop carts soon then!
The glue is pretty noticeable in the picture but was the condition accurately noted in the listing?
Apeshit wrote:To each their own, no offense taken. Maybe the next batch should have a higher polish...
People seriously nitpick the buttons like that? I think the buttons look great. I have a black set from you that are excellent and I just ordered and pink and turquoise set that I'm sure are just as great.
Ok, I'll check craigslist and stuff for you but I know the local game store doesn't have any pockets right now 'cause I was there yesterday. If I find something, I'll let you know.
I'm willing to remove the film for you for free again like last time but I don't have any pocket LCDs available to part with. If you find some and send them to me, I'll remove the film but that will probably be too costly to be worth it. You're looking at $30ish for shipping both ways.
I have 2 pockets that I am willing to part with but I will not gut them. They are in excellent condition with prosounds and I don't want to strip them apart. I am willing to sell them as a whole and remove the film before shipping but I won't sell/trade just the screen.
Being "nagged" to be a musician is definitely like high school band drama. That shouldn't have to happen if you actually enjoy writing. I don't care if people like my shit. My wife listens to (and loves) my music and that's all that matters. I actually don't even upload my music anywhere anymore. Had a bunch on (never got plays though) and a few on but honestly, I do music for me, not for others. It's great when others upload their work (I love listening to everyone's styles) but I'm not going to nag them to write. They need to do it cause they enjoy it. YOU need to do it for you.
Posts found: 145-160 of 315 / Forums / Posts by nerdsome