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Topics by nerdsome
Posts found: 97-112 of 315
Saskrotch wrote:nerdsome wrote:You make me hate this forum.....
Elipses are .....stupid too. If've got ......more to say, .....say it. If you don't....., use a god .....damn period................................
Mate, I don't understand why people like you have to be so fucking negative and mean....................
vargero wrote:@stancoolness, just some ideas.......
Good advice. Hopefully everyone else will be helpful like this.
stancoolness wrote:nerdsome wrote:You make me hate this forum.....
Yeah, it's just Saskrotch. He always posts stuff like that. I've learned to expect and accept it, and now this site feels a lot less bulls**t!
Well, regardless of what he says (or that boa agrees with his comments), I think the site is a good idea....
Saskrotch wrote:If the first thing I see is a Dragon Ball Z image, I've already decided the site is a dogshit dildo.
Act like you got some god damn sense.
You make me hate this forum.....
Not bad. Keep adding more links to this that are related to the topic. There are lot that you didn't add but I'm not going to list right now.
Also, can you make the links open in a new tab? I'm not a web designer so I don't know what's involved with that but I like to open sites in new tabs. That's just my preference though.
nitro2k01 wrote:I've had similar ideas. But instead of stopping people from posting, there would be a small banner at the top of the page informing about the search function and other useful things, until you reach x posts. Thoughts?
Instead of a small banner it should a medium to large banner that is hard to miss. And/or there should be a window that pops up when the cursor is over the "Post New Thread" button that says something like "Are you sure you aren't forgetting to use the amazingly useful SEARCH feature?"
nitro2k01 wrote:katsumbhong wrote:$250 for a dmg?!?!?!
This is not the regular grey color, but a white DMG. Those were only sold in Japan, in relatively limited quantities. It's probably approximately as rare as a green, blue or red DMG. Or more.
Green and blue are just as rare? Didn't know that. I though white was very rare. Blue just regular rare. And green, red, yellow common.
Reason is great! I remember someone started a thread about DAWs on 8bc once and everyone shat on it and I was shocked. More people claimed to like FL Studio than Reason but Reason is superior. Use Reason more! It's great!
Come to Tucson. Seriously!
Wizwars wrote:IN MY OWN
If you know where it's from, we could probably be friends.
amburgerzorro wrote:This picture quality it pretty bad. But, yeah. I got this tattoo about a year ago. I had been wanting a tattoo like this since I was like 15. So when I turned 18 I decided to go ahead and get it done, and I'm so glad I did.
Nice one! Getting the wrist tatted made my fingers tingly. It was fun!
Updated with eBay links. Prices listed on eBay are eBay prices. Buy from me on here and I will go lower. Just PM me.
I just bought an Arduinoboy kit from Nex over at (haven't built it yet though) and it came with the Arduino Pro Mini preprogrammed but it did not come with that FTDI board so I'm not even sure if that is needed. Maybe you can message Nex directly at I'm sure he can help you out.
I like to do kick or snare roll fade outs into a kick or snare roll intro.
Or a heavy bass drop outro.
Load samples and use the wav channel?
ashimoke wrote:Grymmtymm wrote:we NEED white button sets...
...and we hope they are coming with white dmg cases
White cases would be so awesome!
kitsch wrote:i know, they're coming, in the next shipment from plastics place
realllly trying to keep up with the madness
Posts found: 97-112 of 315
Pages Previous 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 … 20 Next / Forums / Posts by nerdsome