(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

oh, other thing with the flash/sd carts is to check how much of the disk drive emulation they do. (usually called 1541 emulation after the standard drive)  Some of them only do a kind of 'kernal trap' that won't work with fastloaders.  A lot of music software uses the kernal loader I think, but if you want to run demos/disk games/other things you'd need fast loader support.


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Yeah 128 has no advantages, apart from the 128D which has a drive built-in.  Unless you specifically like Mssiah's workflow personally I'd go for any scene tracker made in the last 20 years instead, will more likely get you that 'c64 sound'.  Before you pick one though I'd suggest trying some different tools in an emulator because working on Gameboy and C64 are quite different.

Oh, the older "breadbox" design c64 mostly have the 6581 SIDs, with the newer cream c64c having the 8580 version, and I just read the 128D does too.  Most modern musicians favour the 8580 because it has fixed filter settings so your tracks sound pretty uniform on different machines, whereas the 6581 filters vary between batches of chips.  The 6581 had a couple of advantages though as you could play samples with the volume register (favoured by old '80s demos, though there are workarounds for doing it on 8580) and the filters sound more crunchy with a bit of overdrive to the sound.   8580 filter is quite open, but you can still get that big old low-pass filtered bass sound out of it.

The other thing with chipmusic gigs is they tend to be 4 or 5 acts on the same night, which doesn't really lend itself to developing a set beyond "the hits".   I'd rather see one act with a support like any normal gig but eh, is it viable?   Seems like being a bit more vague presenting shows would work better for artists than shoving the word CHIPTUNE or CHIPMUSIC everywhere, it's electronic music who gives a damn in 2016 what it's written on.

It's PAL only because tweaking it for NTSC would likely result in the music and visuals playing differently. (fractional timing on a vblank player that can run 5x a frame and uses incredibly precise waveform changes in the instruments, coupled with visuals tied to sid reads running on a free timer)

As the music is the main focus I decided to leave it as it was.    I'll be interested if anyone 'cracks' it and does an NTSC patch though.

thanks, I put a little making of article for this on my blog  #devblog #blogdev

Hi, I did the code/music for a demo on the Pico-8 virtual console, featuring graphics by ilkke.

Online version with download


(3 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You used to be able to buy the Mods Anthology set (4 CDs) which went up to the 1995-1996 era or so, it's probably online somewhere and has a bunch of stuff direct from the composers.   I don't think there's been another attempt to do something so vast since because it's a ton of work and everything is pretty much online these days.  (modarchive,amp etc.)

or there isn't anything else.

I'm surprised the editor can literally run out of rastertime though, what sort of effects are causing that?

Did you have to strip out any of the FM calls in the Bubble Bobble music?  I noticed it hits a lot of the registers kinda randomly.  (not as badly as Ikari Warriors though)


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

The High Voltage SIDs Collection has been going for 20 years and they put out a musicdisk to celebrate.  Featuring loads of good musicians like Jellica, Hein, Laxity, LMan, Jammer, Linus etc.

Download it here

I think all tracks are also in the latest HVSIDs pack as well - download.

The other factor is it's $50 gaming hardware aimed at teenagers, if you want pristine output use a good emulator, export each channel singularly and do some post-processing to simulate the mix chain in the device if you really want to get into it.  (at a guess some summed busses with compressors influencing each other might get you someway there, with some over-saturation to make it a bit dirtier)

Domu wrote:

Please share ur carts/ skills 4mat...... Please

I'll be putting a bunch of fx into one cart soon so I'll upload that at some point.   Few bits on the screen above though:

* The background scroller is on a fullsize map but I draw each vertical line of it separately at a different y position to get the sine wave.
* The vector bobs are just sprites, pico-8 can totally do a lot more of those but my z-sorting routine isn't optimized.  (I pulled it over from an old pc version)
* The mirror reflection at the bottom is using memcpy to copy the middle portion of the screen line by line in reverse order onto the bottom area in a loop.  The copy skips every other line so it looks a bit more like water by being distorted.

Near the end of the Pico doc file there's a description of the memory map for carts and graphics.  This is totally worth reading about because some demoscene effects can be done kinda like they're done on hardware with this info and you don't have to think up a way by using sprites or maps.  I don't know if that's faster or not but sometimes it's easier to work that way if you're trying to do custom screen effects.  (glitch and copying stuff)  You can also poke directly into a map and have a psuedo-character screen like the old 8-bits, avoiding having to update a load of sprites each time.  (good for chunky effects like plasmas)   In the tracker you can poke directly into the sfx and music tables at runtime and do procedural music and stuff.  There's a thread here which shows the file format.

wheee... using oldskool memory writes for the reflection fx.

Finished my little pico-8 drum machine, play here.  Doing syncing by writing directly into the sound fx maps while the music player is running. I've only got two tempos here smile though with a bit of work I think you could make offsets into a series of soundfx to have more granularity.

You could try doubling up the same notes with a bit of pitch detune on the other channels.  Also vary up the duty settings, try combinations of 12.5% or 75% across the notes.  The other thing with '80s synth pads is they used a lot of fast vibratos on the tail, so try simulating what the synths do as much as how they sound, sometimes that can give you the effect without having the same timbre.