(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There'd be more views if there was at least a 'Latest upload song' box on the front page, even if you don't want to go the whole 8bc route.  (which, tbh, is the one thing they did get right, actually having chipmusic on the frontpage of a chipmusic site)

Moan, whinge, complain, moan.


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

stress_tn wrote:

Mssiah with midi port better than with out it))))) But I need more software for my commodore 64c.
1541u is out of stock((
May be somebody sell it? Or may be any anoughter flashdrive for C64C?

If you're looking for software the big scene resource is CSDB.  I linked a few things in that tape link earlier, but some other trackers are SDI, JCH Music editor, Odin Tracker, Sound Monitor, Rock Monitor....  there are literally 100s of c64 music editors out there.

If you don't find a flashdrive a cheaper way is to buy an old 1541 drive, stick the files you want on tape (using WAV-PRG) and then transfer them onto real disks on hardware.  There are various c64 tools to do that. Sure it's laborious but you only need do it once.  When the tools are over you can forget tapes and stick with the disk drive.  I've used that method for years.


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

stress_tn wrote:

Thanks for answer! Anybody know about this device? http://www.1541ultimate.net/content/index.php
If it's work, it can solve all my questions!

Yeah afaik it's a good device, lot of people in the scene have them.  Though if you want to use Mssiah doesn't that come in a custom cartridge with midi ports on it?


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

See this post for free tools that allow you to transfer files to audio tape using any tape deck. (WAV-PRG is the one you need just for transferring files)  In my experience a lot of c64 editors are expecting a disk drive for storage (the good ones are usually written by demosceners and sceners always have disks) but older '80s tools like Ubik's Musik, Electrosound etc. had tape options.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazerbeat wrote:

4mat, I don't know how you expect to get locked into a serious gear problem if you spend all your time tracking.

Ha, true but I have a serious virtual gear problem instead.  (For 'real' stuff I'm on Sonar running Kore2 and then a plug-in bonanza) The only real hardware in my setup these days are mics, guitars and basses, with a couple of master keyboards.  (a cheap Goldstar for drums and a heavy-as-fsck Fatar for the rest)


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I feel somewhat underdressed


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

rez + made + dubstep err dubmood


(28 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

akira^8GB wrote:

And what is the advantage of the Rob Hubbard player compared to any of the more modern solutions already available?

Same reason Deadman used Tim Follin's driver for a few tracks I guess.  All custom drivers have their little quirks that make them unmistakable.  Hubbard's one is interesting because it's in the generation before wave tables became the norm.  So the instruments are defined more like a patch on a keyboard than the way we usually do them these days.   Also, as much as people try to emulate it, only Hubbard's player sounds like Hubbard's player.  There's something about the gating of that bass sound (heard in Crazy Comets & Commando) , the portamento fx slide in Monty on the Run's intro, and those Tom sounds are total trademark Rob Hubbard.  While you could log the settings to the sounds only Hubbard's player in it's pre-hard restart glory is going to have those little instrument breakups where sounds don't play exactly right each time.   Thinking about it, some of those are to do with how the note data is stored in the driver, it'll be interesting to see if he handles those.

Sorry, I went off on a driver rant there. smile


(28 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

link courtesy of ne7

Hubbard player, Protracker interface.  Bizarro.


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pixls wrote:

and i'm pretty sure chipmusic didn't die, so there minusbaby/george!

no it died last year.

The whole soundtrack to this.   Until they update the links there you can find it in HVSids #54  Search the Kribust and Prosonix folders.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)


   I checked with the admins it's ok to post this here.  A company I'm working with at the moment are looking for bands/solo artists for their Facebook game.  I know a lot of you guys also write music outside of the chip stuff so you might want to submit tracks for exposure there.

Arooga are a social games company who recently launched the successful Facebook game Club Paradise ( http://apps.facebook.com/clubparadise/ ) A nightclub simulator, one of the unique features being that the music is provided not by an in-house team but by real-world artists, giving them instant promotion to the large (and diverse) Facebook social gaming community.

We are now moving into the second phase of music development where we open our servers to more artists and bands. While there are plenty of social music sites to be found on-line they usually miss that joy in discoving music accidently. How many times have you heard a song in a film or a club that becomes a favourite? This is the experience we want people to have with our game. With Facebook gaming being a global phenomenon we can almost guarantee someone somewhere will be listening to your song.

Eventually we will open the music upload system to everybody so this is a chance for you to get your music in early, come join us! There will, naturally, be a vetting process in choosing the music at this time, but we will reply to everybody who applies. Most likely if we decline a piece of music it will be because we currently have too many songs in the same genre, but we will keep you on record for the following phases.

Please send direct web links to the work you are submitting to [email protected] . If the music is within a webpage (such as a Soundcloud or MySpace) please tell us the titles of the tracks you want us to hear. Please DO NOT attach files to your email as these mails are deleted automatically by the server, thanks. Also provide the website or contact page you want us to link to when your music is played.

If your music is selected we only require two things from you:

1) You can confirm that the music 100% belongs to you. (including any samples used within it)
2) While all rights to your music remain with the artist, you give us the right to stream them from within the game for an unlimited time.

Many thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing your work,



me, yesterday


(11 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

neilbaldwin wrote:

Doh....the clue's in the filename eh? smile

Funny you mention Galway because that's exactly what I thought at the very first upwards pitch slide. And plenty of very Galway-esque arpeggios and bends all the way through.

Anyway, fantastic stuff. smile

btw, I must do the gushing fan thing and say your Demon stuff had a massive influence on me in the '80s so thanks. smile  This was the first thing I downloaded off Compunet.