You can still send Midi Signals into the MD without using Max4Live? I don't have any of them (Live or Max)


(0 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Hi guys,

In France there is a little cable/DSL TV Channel called Nolife, which content is based on Gaming stuff, J-Music, and all kinds of good programs in there -> http://www.nolife-tv.com/

They have the "Indie" Hours, where you can send your clip and get it on their running playlist, I can easily be in contact with those guys to get your clip on TV (Since I live in Paris, know a bit of the staff, and can get to them directly with a DVD), maybe not at the most popular hours, but it can be still worth it to have more chip stuff posted on the channel!

Personally, I'll be sending my clip in one or two weeks so I will be able to tell you more about the conditions.

So if you're interested or you know someone that could be, get in touch with me by PM smile

(And if you ask for Game One it's NO since they're part of the MTV network and stuff)


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

The tracks are too short for me so I have to put them on repeat but good release anyway smile


(57 replies, posted in Releases)

This is big. smile


(89 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It would be interesting, if there was a GBCamera mode at least.

Thanks! smile

So yeah, got many responses, the slots are full this time, sorry for TFHB & Tetrasaurus I jumped over your stuff, we'll see next time! (If an admin can close this thread thanks)

Xyno> Not this time, maybe later =3

Not in relation with the Blipfest guys, but I'll try to do my best to do something in the same way smile

Hi guys,

I'm going to set up a chip-themed event around the 7/8 september, and I'd like to know if any of you guys in Europe would be interested in playing, since if I had more people playing I could turn it into a nice Chipfest smile (And it would help me in the choice of the place/organizing stuff)

Oh wow this is getting better and better I shall pre-order one in the next weeks smile

Just asking, didn't really read all, is the code open-source? As in, I'd like to make a sort of VGMPlay rom launched from an Everdrive, compatible with this thing using the code, so I can tweak/play some voices while the tracks are playing, for live stuff it would be really neat


(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ah, didn't know this thread existed, spamaway


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice tracks smile