(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

low-gain wrote:

Sorry guys.. wink

Sorry lowgain i like mine better.. wink

Sievert wrote:

Ok I found it, when the aboy is in lsdj master mode and lsdj is set to master the lights dance like you said, but nothing when its in slave mode and piggy is running, so the problem is most likely coming from the gp2x end.  I switched my piggytracker to the latest stable build and still nothing.  I AM running the gp2x on batteries right now while I wait for my ac adaptor to come in, does the gp2x to midi specifically need it to be running on an adaptor in order to receive power?

Also the midi ports on the aboy had little brackets across from the pins that fell out, I assume these are just for helping hold in the cable, but I'm not really sure.


if some of the metal pins fell out they are probably not needed... there are only 3 holes used on a midi jack... if you look at the jack as if it was a smile, its teh bottom middle 3.

So the mode that you got the arduinoboy to dance...
when switching the modes, its the mode right before that one because in order its: LSDJ Slave, LSDJ Master, LSDJ Keyboard, Nanoloop sync, mGB mode...

also be sure its Piggy box -> arduinoboy MIDI IN (i know its obvious)

ISTITUT wrote:

I think you need a LSDJMC2 to sync Piggy to LSDJ, I'm wrong? Is it possible with an arduinoboy? the manual of LSDJMC2 says to set SLAVE and not MIDI.

Wrong. Either will work fine.

Slave and midi are almost identical as far as I can recall, either should work.

Aruduinoboy should be in LSDJ slave mode which is the first mode if you can tell which is the first led. You can tell the arduinoboy is in the right mode because if Piggy is sending sync, you will see the LEDs dance to the sync signal.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

just to be clear, i meant a delay of 60 and a multiplier of 1... if it stil has issues and the batteries are fine, up it to maybe 120 ... basically find a number where its working and then slowly decrease it from there so you can get the lowest/shortest delay without issues.

Oskar Hanberg wrote:

Pages NOT taking up the entire browser space is poor coding though, according to W3C, who currently maintains modern web standards. The reason people code pages to not fill the page is because they learned to do layout with fixed tables and a fixed 640x480 resolution, THAT is very 1993. And in 1993 people used Frontpage express and such, again with fixed tables, style attributes directly on the page and suich.

1. 99% of people in the world didn't know what the internet was in 1993. I should know, I asked everyone.
2. only n00bs have used frontpage, ever.

I think the only major reason you are getting slack is because the question you asked somewhat offensive and/or troll bait. To answer the original question in this thread you might want to try one of these directions:

1. Add more mario vector box cover art to your site.
2. Look and study the various styles of artwork and websites from artists you enjoy in the category and make your own decision and style. If you don't know of many good artists, that would be a good question to ask on the forums.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:

What do those settings actually do? Fiddling with them seems to change the results I'm getting, but not in any predictable way.

if you using the editor, read the description under the box. wink

its a delay setting, the higher the number, the less arduinoboy will communicate to the gameboy. if notes dont play or bad notes happen, raising the number will help. the more cpu your song uses on a dmg, the higher that numbr needs to be. i'd say changing it to 60 - 100 or so with a multiplier of 1 should be more then fine.

the total delay your looking at is the bit delay multiplied by the multiplier.  so 60 & 1 = 60 .... 60 & 10 = 600 .... 60 & 100 = 6000 (hehe)

also if you having really bad issues, you should check your battery or use a external power supply for arduinoboy.

Oskar Hanberg wrote:

Thank you for the constructive criticism finally. I must correct you on one thing though. The code is far from old and outdated. It validated against XHTML1.1 and CSS2, the most recent Actual W3C standards.

Technically so could a web page from 1996 as long as the tags were closed. Just say'n. wink

well if the lights on the aboy are blinking thats a good thing... you need to make sure the arduinoboy is in the right mode and lsdj is in the right mode, if you are sure of that, then check your wiring for the gameboy jack and the arduino- that is the only point of failure on the gameboy-side of the electronics.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

lsdj setup in the right mode? MIDIOUT? if lsdj doesn't hang/crash that means communication is working. so i would guess you can try messing with the "bit delay" settings.... like

  60,1,  //midiout bit check delay & bit check delay multiplier 
  60,4,  //midiout bit check delay & bit check delay multiplier 

if that works, lower the numbers as low as you can go, the less delay the better. if it doesnt, thats not your problem, i'd check to see if you're even sending any midi via some midi monitor program if you have one.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ashimoke wrote:

but I don't really know how to chage it to suit my needs. Any ideas anyone? I suck at programming hmm

change these:

  0x00, //force mode (forces lsdj to be sl)
  0x00, //mode

to these:

  0x01, //force mode (forces lsdj to be sl)
  0x00, //mode (<- whatever mode # you want)

These are the modes:

    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:

also you want to set this to true:

boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = false; //set to true to always use the settings below, else they are pulled from memory for the software editor

... or if you have midi in and out, just use the editor.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

you cannot build a cable yourself very easily. its more than a cable, there is a ftdi chip inside the head of the usb cable, thats why its so pricy.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Some videos I did last year durring testing:

LSDJ MIDI out with Ableton Live demo:

LSDJ MIDI out using a table to send arps:

LSDJ MIDI out with a SP (also showing off new LSDJ color pallet "80s" (chipmusic.org colors) )
- also shows M U T E working wink

LSDJ MIDI out polyphony demo... the arduinoboy waits for about 5ms before sending a note off command of the same channel, to allow polyphony

New LSDJ midi in mode (SYNCMAP/LIVEMAP)
LSDJ patterns are being controlled via MID Notes from Ableton Live


(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)



(11 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

the only bug here is that the song name doesnt work in the url- which i'm looking into now.

Our system is sophisticated in how it deals with mp3s, nothing is stored as the file name you provided- it is renamed as /year/month/user-name_album_track-number_track-name.mp3 to keep our backend pretty and uniform. The file is also md5 hashed (basically gets a set of characters that represent the uniqueness of the file) if you just rename a mp3 and upload it, the system will know that the file already exists.

also this:

J. Arthur Keenes wrote:

It's an intentional bug to force you to title your songs.


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

I know, that's why I said.

Well, that'd be why we wouldn't do it again...2008 was a long time ago, Mr sonicbeat

Whatever Mr e.s.c.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Anonymous wrote:

can we please start new memes so we don't have to keep referencing the same old ones?

What do you think this is? 4chan?